Married couples who have been with each other for a long time, is it normal to talk about other things while having sex?

I (35m) and my wife (33f) have been married for nearly 10 years and have a daughter. everything is really fine and shes the love of my life and she loves me sm too but she does that thing that i really dont understand.

lots of times when we are having sex she just talks about random stuff. it usually happens when shes the on top shell ask me like ( what would u like to have for dinner tommorow, or oh did u see our daughter drawing at school today so i say no so she says remember me to show it to u after we are done) its not like we have conversations but she like asks a question or mention something. i still remember the first time it happened and how pissed i was. i wasnt pissed at her, i thought she wasnt enjoying and shes like having sex with me as a chore or out of pitty which is something i never want to happen.

i talked to her about it once and she said its cause we have been with each other for a long time and shes so comfortable around me and she reassured me that she enjoys having sex with me. i mean im happy shes comfortable but i still kinda find it odd. i may be overthinking but its just something that will really destroy my life if i find out that my wife doesnt enjoy sex with me. she always tells me she does but i am just an overthinker. so does it something that usually happens? or is she trying to distract herself or what? any advice would really be appreciated cause ik im being stressed over something silly maybe but i just cant let it go. thank you

edit: sometimes we do have passionate love making and we are both really focussed on it.

edit again: we have sex nearly 5 times a week. she initiates nearly half of that time so i dont think she will be initating if she didnt love me and i make sure she really orgasms, we have a great relationship outside the bedroom too. we do have rough sex a lot which she likes so its not like people are saying thats its vanilla and mundane. also she does not drop those comments like in the middle of fucking its only when we are changing positions, water breaks, or when shes giving me a bj but it just makes me wonder how did this get into her head rn. i will talk to her about again once more even tho it doesnt bother me she does that.
she also doesnt do this only during sex, whenever she wants to tell me something she just does which i find really sweet.
nearly 8 years ago we were about to ride a really scary roller coaster she was really scared and just before the take off she asked me if we could get tacos after we are done, a few minutes before her c-section she told me that she forgot to put the leftovers from last night in the fridge so she asked me to do it when i get home. shes so sweet and i love her so much.
I kind of regret that post even tho some of the comments helped me understand the situation really better but others were just weird

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