At what age did you (or hope to) become financially secure?

  1. Im 33 and its only just sort of fallen into place. I’m only 3 years behind my own schedule

  2. Hoped to have my House paid off by 40. Did it at 42. Hoping to retire at 50.

  3. Fingers crossed for 30. I’ve lived a bad credit, paycheck to paycheck, no savings lifestyle for all of my 20s but I’m finally getting on the right track. If any of you are doing the same, I strongly encourage you to learn from my mistakes – establish a savings account and do some serious research on managing your credit.

  4. 30, if everything goes right and I don’t get married or knock someone up should have a career that’ll provide enough to pay off a house pretty quickly.

  5. Here I planned for 30, married early to a money draining sleezebag of a now ex wife, and added a spine injury on top, so it’s looking like I’ll be financially secure when I’m dead haha 32 now, so might have a few years before that happens.

  6. Guess it depends on the definition.

    I’m no longer pay cheque to pay cheque. I have savings and am on track to reduce debt to zero. I do not yet have a solid retirement fund or a house. I spent my 30s trying to figure out how I was going to spend the rest of my working like. That all came together at age 38 after some… Ahem… Substantial speedbumps… I’m finally doing what I could consider “just fine”

  7. I’ve accepted that it’s not got to happen.

    Oh well, maybe next time around.

  8. Never been overdrawn or in debt since 17.

    Helped pay mortgage some tight months for parents.

    Always been very good with money.

    Not loaded, but I can survive many rainy days.

  9. Financially secured? I guess I am now? I have minimum bills, no debts, save money monthly and have enough money where I can realistically not work for 6 months.

    I’m not financially independent, but I ain’t struggling lmao

  10. 29.

    Graduated with my masters at 25, spent 2-3 years working at a couple entry-level positions I didn’t really like. Got a better job that I actually liked at 28, and after a year of probation, I finally felt secure at 29. I’m 34 now and still at the same place, although I’ve switched departments for a new role.

    I’m stable enough to travel, pay off a vehicle early, take care of emergencies, help my parents with groceries, and fund my retirement.

    I don’t have a house (California). Maybe some day.

  11. I’m currently 24. I’m hoping to be financially secure within the next decade, at or before 35.

    My son will be 10 and our house will be paid off and we will have no debt.

    As someone who moved out at 15 I’m pretty proud of where I currently am. The life I currently have I hadn’t thought was possible.

  12. It never seemed possible. It still may not be possible. But all I’ve got is to try to make it work by the time I retire.

  13. Age 65. I am American, and at age 65 I qualify for Medicare which reduced my monthly premium for medical insurance.

  14. 26 when I started working after college. But I got through college with very little ( Swedish ) debt, I lived poor even for being a student.

  15. I’m on the road to be set, (set as in being comfortable, graduated, and working a good job,) around 24.

  16. 23.. had a good job, at 30 company closed down, never got up to that kinda sallery again.. but im doing fine..

  17. I hope to be financially secure by the time I turn 25. I’m 23 now and have been in and out of debt since age 19

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