I’m at a loss here. My (25F) boyfriend (27M) and I have been together for 6 almost 7 years.

He sometimes pesters me like a child. Like a toddler would bother their mom. I’ll be in the bathroom for a while, pooping, or doing whatever people do in the bathroom, and eventually I’ll hear a “……….. 🧍🏻‍♂️… hiiii…” on the other side of the bathroom door.

For example, when we were doing laundry, I asked him if he wouldn’t mind if we could maybe split the dryer loads into two loads for less time, instead of just doing one big dryer load for more time, and he started going, “oh okay so like, three loads for 40 minutes, not one load for 400??? Or like 2 loads for 20 minutes not 10 loads for 4???” Just to fuck with me

I live in Arizona and it’s like 100 degrees in our laundry room, so we’re trying to work quickly, I have high blood pressure issues and get frustrated in the heat, and have had multiple conversations in the past with him about how sometimes it feels like he’s teasing me and bullying me when he tries to make jokes like that. The fact that he continues makes me feel like he’s bullying me even further.

When this happens, I get pissed off and shut down, like I’ll stop talking and spend some quiet time alone because I’ve given up on trying to defend myself, or I’ll apologize for being irritated with him, and it’s getting really really annoying and I think he’s just emotionally immature but I need to know….

Do I need to loosen up or is he really just pestering me and it’s not okay?

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