Is this irritation normal or did I catch something?

I’m sorry but I don’t know where else to post this. Hoping people that have bottomed before can comment.

Late 20s male here. Only ever been with cis-women but recently been curious about trans women and possibly bottoming. Probably not the wisest way to go about it but in a late night impulse decided to visit a sex worker.

Long story short, the experience was short lived and I quickly realized it wasn’t for me but have been having a slight irritation back there and am panicking about it. Here’s how it went:

There was some very brief unprotected contact. I was laying on my stomach for a massage with her on my upper legs and I felt her on my butt, but it was soft at that point so I don’t know if it actually made skin to skin contact beyond my cheeks. If she did it would’ve been very brief teasing.

I immediately requested she put on a condom if there’s going to be any playing in that region. That was followed by maybe 10-15 seconds of a painful insertion attempt. A break, then another attempt and then I stopped her and realized this wasn’t for me. She used lube but I don’t remember if it was from the first attempt or the second. She did get it in but I don’t know how far as I’m not familiar with the sensation.

The next day anxiety started to kick in. Even though there was little risk of HIV, I went to an urgent care and got PEP and have been taking that.

It’s been almost 5 days and there’s no crazy pain but I’d describe the sensation around my ass as similar to when you have diarrhea, or jock itch, or a pimple. Just feels inflamed and kind of itchy, and as if there’s a small particle stuck somewhere. Is this normal for a first timer?The only other anal play I’ve had before was a small women’s finger. This trans women had a slightly larger than average member and did get it in.

I’m hoping it’s just a small tear or an allergic reaction to the lube and will go away soon but I can’t help but be paranoid that I caught herpes or warts or something. Any insight or any kind of positivity would be appreciated.

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