What about your life would be different if Covid never happened?

  1. i’d be working in a hospital, have more money, benefits, possibly better quality of life

  2. I probably wouldn’t have my current job and would be stuck with my asshole ex-boss in a job I hated.

  3. I possibly would’ve gotten my professional baccalaureate degree, but I suppose it also made me more aware of my mental health and find medication that works for me. Other than that, not much when it comes to my lifestyle as I was always very introverted and more likely to find enjoyment in solitary activities so my habits were largely unchanged.

  4. I don’t think anything would be different. It hasn’t affected my life like it did others, thankfully.

  5. Other than being able to say that I’ve been married for 2 years instead of 1, not much.

  6. I may have stayed in my unhappy relationship because I hadn’t felt I’d wasted 2 years of my life. Probably wouldn’t have left my job either. I’m much happier now btw

  7. Would have finished school, some close people in my life wouldn’t be dead, definitely would of had a better quality of life

  8. I would have still been on heroin and other drugs, could have been dead, in jail, on the streets, or in rehab. Would not have been hospitalized soon enough and would have never gone to college. Would have still have my grudges on those who did wrong to me. Would still be suicidal and homicidal towards those who did wrong to me.

    Im healthy now. Covid caused my mental health to worsen and it sent me to an acute for two weeks then a residneital for five months then a group home for ten months. Covid caused me to get so much healthier. It took me out of a household that i wasnt doing so well in. Not saying my family was abusive they just werent supportive or underdtanding of my needs.

  9. I travel nurse. I work with COVID patients.
    Made a TON of money with this surge. I suppose I wouldn’t be out here in California on a travel assignment and still living in my apartment in NY with much much less money.

  10. Getting Covid back on 2020 ruined my health. I have “Long-Covid”, meaning the symptoms are still here. Still exhausted so easily. Daily brain fog. Shortness of a breath (especially when trying to exercise). I developed fibromyalgia after having Covid. I had to cut down to part time work, I have been in so much pain. I spend my days off recovering from the exhaustion from working. Blegh. I miss how strong my body used to be.

  11. I would have had an actual college graduation instead of a virtual one. Also, probably wouldn’t have started online dating… some weirdos out there.

  12. I’d also have a lot more family and friends. Many died from COVID or complications, and many also took their lives during the depressing time. 💔

  13. I honestly don’t know. My work would have looked a lot different the past two years. I probably also would have travelled and dated more. But I’m not sure my life would really be that different. My life isn’t really that different right now than it was in 2019 minus being single (broke up before the pandemic started, though) and having experienced a non-covid related traumatic event.

  14. I wouldn’t have my amazing friend group and I wouldn’t be as successful as I am now. As annoying covid was, everything worked out tremendously.

  15. I feel like I would be a much better student, but I wouldn’t have any friends.

  16. I wouldn’t have been able to go back to working full time. My Husband now works at home full time which means he can do the school runs.

  17. Hugely different, I know it sounds insensitive but Its one of the best things that happened to me.

    I was planning on leaving my job due to shit co-workers, I had my notice ready, then the country shut down and I was put on leave/furlough for a year and some co-workers were paid-off so I’ve come back and it’s honestly like a different work place.

    I had paid for a $2500 mexico holiday with some girls that I didn’t want to go on and felt pressured to attend, when it cancelled I got my money back and I no longer talk to them girls.

    While my workplace was shut for a year, I got a temporary job helping another business out and I still work there a year later as a side job, without covid I wouldn’t have started that job and met so many great people.

    My grandad was dying of cancer and I lived with him, without covid I would have been working a lot but instead I was able to stay home with him for the months leading to his death and I will treasure them hot summer days with him forever, life slowed down.

  18. I would have taken more vacations and had less money in my bank account.

  19. I probably would have stayed in my service industry job and in the same city instead of moving states and going back to school. Honestly, I kind of would prefer the former. I’m struggling mentally and financially and I miss the simplicity of my life before Covid pushed me to do something else.

  20. The symphony cancelled the Christmas Eve live scoring of Beauty and the Beast in 2020. It was not rescheduled in 2021 like most of the season was. I’m still pretty fuckin’ bitter about it. I get very few occasions to wear my ballgown, and I waited years for them to finally announce Beauty and the Beast to be live scored. I’m back to spending every spring on pins and needles waiting for the next season’s schedule announcement.

  21. i don’t know if my fiancé and i would have moved in together as fast as we did. there were a lot of outlying issues but if the pandemic hadn’t been a thing i’d probably still be couch surfing

  22. I wouldn’t be as addicted to online shopping as I am now. I probably wouldn’t have bothered with having food delivered either.

  23. My patience for dealing with stupid people wouldn’t have deteriorated so quickly.

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