I've been in a complicated situation lately, and I'm looking for some advice. I’m[M 24], and a few months ago, I was hooking up with my friend[ F 22] after my breakup. It was just casual, but she started seeing someone else, so we stopped. We kept our distance for a while, but when she returned to town, I learned she was going through a tough time—therapy, job loss, and a breakup. I felt for her, and we ended up having sex again. She said she missed me, but I tried to keep things casual.

Recently, we've been spending a lot of time together, almost like a couple, but we haven’t talked about our feelings. I’m moving away at the end of the month, which has upset her. To make things more complicated, my roommate[M 20], who’s a friend of mine and tends to flirt with everyone, has been showing a lot of interest in her. He’s been trying to impress her and it's making me feel really insecure. I’m worried he might end up with her and that she might choose him over me, especially since he’s more attractive and confident.

I’m not sure if I have real feelings for her or if I’m just reacting to the situation, but I don’t want to come off as controlling by asking her to distance herself from him. I feel stuck and unsure how to handle this. Any advice would really help. Thanks.

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