I’m an M22 and she’s an F23. We are friends and used to hang out quite frequently, but not so much anymore, until I woke up to this offer from her today.

On paper it sounds like a good deal but it honestly makes me sick to my stomach for some reason.

What do I even do about this? I already told her I’m not interested but I don’t know how to process this.

Edit: I guess I can’t obtain a lot of advice from this post since I already told her no I’m not interested. But I will leave it up for your entertainment I guess.

Edit 2: She said it was for a lip job. It’s not rent or anything “survival-related.”

**Final edit**: Our conversation ended with me saying: “I only want you to be my friend, drill that in to your brain please. If you ever want to hang out, I’ll be here.”

She says “Fine then.”

  1. I would just move on because nobody mentally or financially sound does this.

  2. Like, she literally said: “Why don’t you pay me *this* amount and we’ll have sex”?

  3. Sounds like she’s know you like her and is trying to use that to get her lips paid for. I know a few guys who would take her up but If you don’t feel comfortable doing that then don’t. If she still chats with you after than she might like you but if she disappears she was just trying to get some money out of you before she left. God speed

  4. Lip fillers are a lot costlier than the average blowjob from a sex worker who provides single services rather than working on an hourly rate. Also, giving oral sex right after having gotten fillers is a bad idea.

    Besides, this doesn’t sound like a mentally healthy move on her behalf. She needs to find herself again, I suppose, and I don’t think you can help. Let her be.

  5. So many girls are doing this lately. I hate how normalized this is getting but I have been dating a bit and I can say 95% of dates, the men just wanted to fuck and nothing more 🤷🏻‍♀️

  6. Offer $100 a pop and see what she says. She’ll have enough for her lips eventually.

  7. Imagine getting to know someone, thinking you have a genuine connection with her, only for her to try to sell you something in the end. Yeah I’d be pissed off too.

  8. I came her thinking it was gonna be “I need to pay rent” and I was gonna suggest you not be all judgy because times are rough and maybe you can hook her up with someone who has a second job or something… and then you said it was for a lip job. 😥 I’m sorry my guy, you know you got to cut her off both for your sake and hopefully she learns something about it.

  9. She’s going for what she wants, can’t fault her for that. Wouldn’t be my first choice of ways to go about it.

  10. She’s not really a friend, she’s a potential business acquaintance. She might enjoy chatting with you, but she just sees you as a means to an end at the end of the day.

  11. Id tell her.

    “You know, I had a crush on you for the longest time. But after this proposal I can safely say it’s dead on the water. Also i will kindly ask that you don’t contact me again if this is how you see me. Anyone that feels they should be PAID, for being intimate with me, is not someone, I want in my life in any capacity. If you’re battling a drug addiction or something else in your life, that makes you think this is even remotely acceptable, I hope you get the help you need before it’s too late. I’ve taken the liberty of putting a list of women shelters and rehab centers as well. God speed.”

  12. Where’s the good deal? An escort offers the same for under 500. A prostitute even less.

  13. You got 2 choices boy :

    You help her save money for her lip job (that shows how good friend you are), not with prostitution of course. And like that you guys can get more close and you might have a chance with her depending upon how much you are on board with her lip job plan


    Fuck her good; once or twice, if she likes it then persuade her for some discount since you’re her friend, and make her your Fuck buddy or girlfriend, you decide, again … depending upon how much you are on board with her lip job plan, or fucking her.

    Alternatively; You can fuck her and let her go. That way you wouldn’t regret in the future of missing an opportunity, depending upon how much you are on board with having sex with her.

  14. Omg how bizarre! I would absolutely say no and ask if she needed help with drugs or housing. Then she says lip job and Id be like have a nice life

  15. This makes ME sick to my stomach just hearing about. How heartbreaking. Am sorry.

  16. Seems like she farmed you and waited so she could offer you this and pay for her expenses. How long have you known her?

  17. You’d be surprised how many people do sexual shit for money these days. Tell her you want the goods first then you’ll pay….and then, don’t pay. You’re welcome 🤙

  18. You can’t tell this story and not tell us all how much she charges 😃

  19. Why do you want to stay friends with your crush who is obviously prostituting herself out, it will only cause heartache for you

  20. Saw your profile, and you’re a handsome, good looking guy, genuinely. I have no doubt that you will find a second half that suit you better elsewhere. Good luck on your journey soldier!

  21. Late comment but what you shouldve done is just say: “I dont pay for sex, i’d be down to hang out one on one though if you’re down.”

  22. She doesn’t sound like someone you should be dating.

    She’s willing to prostitute herself for something so unnecessary.

    And to top it all off, her reaction to you not wanting to literally pay to fuck her, but instead be there for her was “fine then”.

    Get over this person and find someone worth dating.

  23. Anyone here ever been in a relationship with a woman? How much did that cost you? And were you garunteed at least a bj for every date?.

  24. I wouldn’t even associate myself with someone like that.

    It’s unhealthy for your psyche.

    I’ve moved around and had several friend groups in my life and based on personal experience the people you spent time with really do impact your personality and how you navigate daily life.

  25. Mate, reading the comments I see that she knows you liked her. That just makes her offer even more messed up. Knowing that you’re into her, she tried to take advantage of your feelings to get the cash she wants. Yeah, I’d be feeling pretty sick too finding out how wrong I was about someone I thought I could have a relationship with.

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