I met this guy on yubo (cringe ik ) and he was cute and really nice. He started the conversation and was very funny and charming to me and we had one of the best convos I have ever had online he wasn't being dry and we were getting to know eachother really well, we even stayed up all night playing chess and talking, he was being very flirty and so was I and the convo ended as he was fell asleep at around 6am as we were texting he was calling me cute and being very funny and I really enjoyed it , well next day (or the same day I guess) we were talking again, this time I reached out first and we started talking but it was lackluster compared to the earlier night, he was being slightly dry and I was reaching out first and as I had a nap and went climbing hebtold me he missed me and was wondering how i was , at night he was being even more dry but not horrible and he wasnt really putting in effort to the convo starters I was trying and he left me on read twice and I thought he was joking cause I said don't leave me on read the first time as a joke and then he did again but he was honestly being really serious about it he said sorry and that 'he forgot how he left me on read and didn't know how it happened ' which he didn't elaborate on at all and was just a weird reply it kinda seemed as though he wasn't paying attention at all which wasn't that bad , at this point I asked him if he was just nice to me that night and that's it because I didn't want to get ghosted and it seemed like that's where the conversation was going . He replied to that with just' no ' and that he 'was watching a series on netflix ' and didn't mean to leave me on read . I thought that this was a pretty valid response so all was forgiven .
Today he is being even more dry and less interested even as I use some of the jokes we used the night we met . He seems uninterested and I'm trying to spice up the convo. When I asked him if we were going to play playstation tonight he said ' Yeah maybe ill see what im doing later and lyk' which was a bit disappointing seen as we had planned to play game together today which was his idea in the first place and when he first suggested to do it on that night he seemed really excited and now he keeps giving me half bothered replies . I have asked him so many questions about himself and he is just replying with really undetailed answers and it's exhausting cause I'm trying to get to know him and make the conversation about him so that he might be more interested to talk about himself, but he's not . Im trying to figure out why he has switched like this and is no longer starting the conversations and I always am.

Am I just being delusional and worrying too much or is he genuinely acting weird and unbothered , which if he is so you have any idea why ?

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