I definitely think so Idk if it's even worth asking, but having another perspective/input can be be nice. So me '19 F' and my bf '21M' have been "dating" for a couple weeks now… now I put that in quotations because yes, we're official. Like I said yes, and he said yes but it ABSOLUTELY does not feel like I'm in one. And I'm starting to feel as though I should just break up with him and block him for good. Not that he's a horrible person but it might just be better for me. Just a lil background info: before we started "dating" we've been friends/sneaky links for the past five years and have known each other since high school. And this isn't the first time a relationship became an idea for one of us. At first it was me crushing hard on him, but he didn't like the idea of a relationship. Thats fine. We were in highschool so after awhile of me crushing on him and having casual sex, but not having the feelings reciprocated. I got sick of it. So I stopped talking for him for awhile. Blocked him and all on instagram(at that time I didn't really have a phone number because I wasn't allowed to have a cell phone for most of high school lol) and got over this big crush I I definitely think so Idk if it's even worth asking, but having another perspective/input can be be nice. So me '19F' and my bf '21M' have been "dating" for a couple weeks now… now I put that in quotations because yes, we're official. Like I said yes, and he said yes but it ABSOLUTELY does not feel like I'm in one. And I'm starting to feel as though I should just break up with him and block him for good. Not that he's a horrible person but it might just be better for me. Just a lil background info: before we started "dating" we've been friends/sneaky links for the past five years and have known each other since high school. And this isn't the first time a relationship became an idea for one of us. At first it was me crushing hard on him, but he didn't like the idea of a relationship. Thats fine. We were in highschool so after awhile of me crushing on him and having casual sex, but not having the feelings reciprocated. I got sick of it. So I stopped talking for him for awhile. Blocked him and all on instagram(at that time I didn't really have a phone number because I wasn't allowed to have a cell phone for most of high school lol) and got over this big crush I had on him and eventually started dating other people And blocking him out of respect dudes I was dating. But obviously, obviously those relationships ended and after a few months ig he started to miss me and created a new instagram account and we started talking again and then started having casual sex again but this time it's off and on because like I said. I did move on. Fast forward to the year 2024- just a few months ago and we went out for our nightly activities but this night was different.
Because he was talking about how he NOW has feelings for me and wants to be in a relationship. But I rejected him. Here’s why:

This is where I may have messed up a little little bit. During this time. I was talking to a different dude who we will call POS 'M19' because that's exactly what he is we were not dating, but talking. And this guy is also a dude who I have grown a relationship with over time. He ended up being a complete lying asshOle tho. Like everything he said to me was a lie. He made me think that we were going to be in a serious relationship. He went to the exclusive relationship. He told me his mother wanted to meet me. He met my mother! And a few of my siblings! But anyways, we're getting sidetracked now we're talking about the dude I'm currently "dating" long story short me, and POS is not together now. Where I may have messed up a little bit is that I decided that I was going to give POS chance because I thought he cared about me and I thought at the time that it was unfair to him to cut him off and pursue a relationship with my current boyfriend. Come to find out that POS was talking to several other girls so that's when I cut him off.

Then eventually me and my current boyfriend started talking again, and I decided him. And now we are. Now finally to the problem in our relationship- he doesn't talk to me… Now this isn't that new when we were sneaky links We would talk every now and then. But now we are in a relationship.
LITERALLY on the Fourth of July this year he asked me what I was doing that day and I told him and he never responded… He'll send "hey text" like once a week. Then he'll ask me what I'm doing and not text back until next week if that… Sometimes he'll call and ask me what I'm doing. But that's about it…. We haven't gone on any dates. We haven't had sex since we started dating. We barely talk. I asked myself all the time if I was in a dangerous situation if he'd be the first person, I'd text and the answer is immediately no. I'd probably be dead before he even realized something happened to me because he takes a century to text back. IF HE DOES. It's definitely worth mentioning that we both work jobs and our hours are kind of set. Especially his because he works in construction but there's still no reason why we can't talk a lot more than we are right now.

Now what driven me to write this Reddit post was what happened on
Thursday THIS WEEK I was sooooo excited because I was finally gonna hangout with my bf which is something l've been wanting to do since my trip back from Texas. I was ready I looked real cute. He told he he'd pick me up at 2…then two turned into 2:30 then it was 3 then 3:20….after that I just gave up because it was crystal clear that he was not coming…. and the thing is, I wouldn't have a problem at all with him canceling. That's fine. Things come up and you have to take care of it but the fact that he DID NOT TEXT ME. DID NOT COMMUNICATE TO ME AT ALL THAT HE COULDN'T MAKE IT. He didn't even text me back until yesterday I don't feel like l'm asking for a lot. Right now I'm just laying in my bed wondering if he even cares about me at all. How can you care about somebody? You barely make an effort to talk to. It takes a couple seconds to send a text message. I will just be real and say that I think he doesn't like or care about me for real. I'm constantly thinking he's probably out with other girls proudly showing them off to his friends and family members while I'm sitting here at home like an idiot lucky if I can get a text out of him. I just wanted be with and be loved by my boyfriend. Now I'm not sure if he someone I wanna be with at all.

Am I delusional?

Thanks for listening to my long Ted Talk. Like for real thank you for made it all the way here because this is one long ass rant. on him and eventually started dating other people And blocking him out of respect dudes I was dating. But obviously, obviously those relationships ended and after a few months ig he started to miss me and created a new instagram account and we started talking again and then started having casual sex again but this time it's off and on because like I said. I did move on. Fast forward to the year 2024- just a few months ago and we went out for our nightly activities but this night was different.
Because he was talking about how he NOW has feelings for me and wants to be in a relationship. But I rejected him. Here’s why:

This is where I may have messed up a little little bit. During this time. I was talking to a different dude who we will call POS 'M19' because that's exactly what he is we were not dating, but talking. And this guy is also a dude who I have grown a relationship with over time. He ended up being a complete lying asshOle tho. Like everything he said to me was a lie. He made me think that we were going to be in a serious relationship. He went to the exclusive relationship. He told me his mother wanted to meet me. He met my mother! And a few of my siblings! But anyways, we're getting sidetracked now we're talking about the dude I'm currently "dating" long story short me, and POS is not together now. Where I may have messed up a little bit is that I decided that I was going to give POS chance because I thought he cared about me and I thought at the time that it was unfair to him to cut him off and pursue a relationship with my current boyfriend. Come to find out that POS was talking to several other girls so that's when I cut him off.

Then eventually me and my current boyfriend started talking again, and I decided him. And now we are. Now finally to the problem in our relationship- he doesn't talk to me… Now this isn't that new when we were sneaky links We would talk every now and then. But now we are in a relationship.
LITERALLY on the Fourth of July this year he asked me what I was doing that day and I told him and he never responded… He'll send "hey text" like once a week. Then he'll ask me what I'm doing and not text back until next week if that… Sometimes he'll call and ask me what I'm doing. But that's about it…. We haven't gone on any dates. We haven't had sex since we started dating. We barely talk. I asked myself all the time if I was in a dangerous situation if he'd be the first person, I'd text and the answer is immediately no. I'd probably be dead before he even realized something happened to me because he takes a century to text back. IF HE DOES. It's definitely worth mentioning that we both work jobs and our hours are kind of set. Especially his because he works in construction but there's still no reason why we can't talk a lot more than we are right now.

Now what driven me to write this Reddit post was what happened on
Thursday THIS WEEK I was sooooo excited because I was finally gonna hangout with my bf which is something l've been wanting to do since my trip back from Texas. I was ready I looked real cute. He told he he'd pick me up at 2…then two turned into 2:30 then it was 3 then 3:20….after that I just gave up because it was crystal clear that he was not coming…. and the thing is, I wouldn't have a problem at all with him canceling. That's fine. Things come up and you have to take care of it but the fact that he DID NOT TEXT ME. DID NOT COMMUNICATE TO ME AT ALL THAT HE COULDN'T MAKE IT. He didn't even text me back until yesterday I don't feel like l'm asking for a lot. Right now I'm just laying in my bed wondering if he even cares about me at all. How can you care about somebody? You barely make an effort to talk to. It takes a couple seconds to send a text message. I will just be real and say that I think he doesn't like or care about me for real. I'm constantly thinking he's probably out with other girls proudly showing them off to his friends and family members while I'm sitting here at home like an idiot lucky if I can get a text out of him. I just wanted be with and be loved by my boyfriend. Now I'm not sure if he someone I wanna be with at all. Can I get some advice here?

Am I delusional?

Thanks for listening to my long Ted Talk. Like for real thank you for made it all the way here because this is one long ass rant.

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