I want to socialise more at my school and I have randomly overheard some people talk about things I’m also interested in at times. Will it seem creepy if I later bring these topics up in conversation, without them ever telling me about liking it first?

  1. I don’t think it’s weird unless you pretend you didn’t overhear. Say something like “hey I heard you guys talking about X the other day, I like that too!” and go from there.

  2. This is absolutely not weird IF (and I want to stress this) you have a good rapport with these people…and if you don’t do this repeatedly. Doing this over and over would eventually come across as creepy….so be conscious of that.

  3. If you ever think something you do is breaking some sort of social etiquette, just acknowledge it. If you’re gonna say something random say “hey i know this is random…” If you think somebody might be busy say ” hey i know you might be busy but…”

    So in this situation say something like “hey i didn’t mean to eavesdrop but the other day heard you like…”

    You can say it with a smile and maybe even a chuckle. Like in most socializing situations, HOW you say something will actually guide the vibe of the interaction more than what you actually say. When you say any of these conversation starters, try your best to have a relaxed friendly demeanor. Smile! Be interested! People generally mirror your emotions. If you are sad, angry, or nervous they will be too. If you are relaxed and friendly they will be too!

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