So I woke up this morning.. like a lot of mornings, to my boyfriend smacking my ass while I’m still trying to sleep. I’m usually am just like “stop I’m trying to sleep” and he continues doing it and likes to see me annoyed. So this morning were both off of work and he woke me up by doing that this morning and I just made an annoyed sound. He fell back asleep and then I woke up… I was awake for a while but then I decided to do the same to him… except he gets mad and smacks my face really hard. Mind you this is not the first time he’s smacked me, so I smacked him back without thinking because I was just shocked that that was his reaction and that’s the first instinct I had. Now anytime I do something back he’s gonna do it more harder and more times then I did… so he smacked my face really hard and tells me “if you’re gonna act like this then go home, I’m trying to sleep” and I told him I was just doing what u do to me everytime I’m sleeping. He didn’t say nothing and went back to sleep. I don’t like when he does this and I’m not trying to start an argument with him. But what do I tell him? Or what do i do?

UPDATE: i did end up leaving when he said go home, his car was parked behind mine so I had to wake him up again and ask him to move it…. He asked me why am I leaving and I said “so you just forgot you didn’t just smack the shit out of me?” And he told me he was half asleep and didn’t think he even smacked me hard. And I told him he did and I know he knows he did. He said “well you were messing with me while I was sleeping” and I told him he does the same and he started laughing. We kept talking and I got upset because by that time I made this post and saw the comments telling me this is not okay… I was telling him this isn’t just a casual thing that happens and he didn’t seem like he was taking anything serious. I got upset and started crying and he hugged me and asked why I was crying in an annoyed voice.. but still hugging me. But anyways he ends up saying sorry and that he won’t slap me again and said he loves me after I left over text. I see all of the comments saying to leave and thank you all for taking the time to give you’re advice and try and talk some sense into me. I’ve been wanting to leaving him for a while, but I’m also dealing with my parent’s divorcing and splitting up into different houses and no longer talking to my mom, who was my only emotional support. As of right now I feel like I have no home, the only place that feels like home to me is his house. So as much as I know staying with him is not good whatsoever, it’s so hard to leave. I don’t have any friends to go to for any of this, I only have him.

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