Ladies, how often do you face casual sexism in your day to day life?

  1. Depends what I’m doing

    During my environmental engineering internship last summer, it was noticable about once per week.

    Theoretically, it’s happening *all the time* though but that’s a larger issue.

  2. Truthfully? Never. Maybe because i’ve only worked in female led industries and the men in my life are really great people. That or they are just sexist behind my back.

  3. Working in an office setting has showed me just how casually sexist men are.

    I get talked over a lot. I mean a LOT. I rarely bother trying to speak up because of this. It’s tiring and has happened because I’m usually the only or one of the only women on the team. Your ideas and input get brushed over.

    The men always make passes or sneaky little inappropriate comments. They think because you’re a woman you want to hook up with them. Like, this is work not tinder. 😭

  4. If you count the internet, at least three times a day. If you don’t, then never, because I work from home and never go anywhere!

  5. When I was in the Navy, is was an occasional thing.

    My FSO (boss) accused me of making a mistake when he 100% knew it was a mans fault. He would talk slower and “dumb downed” to females. He would also prefer a man speaking to him in regards of issues than a woman.

  6. Pretty frequently…. It’s not with people I choose to interact with, or even my coworkers.

    I work for a psychologist doing disability evaluations, and our clients are often sexist. They hit on me, or say inappropriate things, or are just disrespectful in a way they wouldn’t be towards a man.

    Also, any time I walk out of the work building, I am almost guaranteed to get cat-called.

  7. I think I face more ageism than sexism lately. It used to be both but working from home has made sexism less of an issue thankfully.

  8. Every day that I’m out in public, whether at work or just out for drinks or groceries or travel, I encounter at least one thing that’s just casually sexist. Turn on the TV and there’s casual sexism in every commercial break.

  9. Not too much actually. It helps that I work in a female-dominated field, I think.

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