My boyfriend (23) won’t let me (21) go out in public with my friends (eg. Target, the mall, out to eat, or to this carnival I want to go to) because he’s says I’m too dumb and weak and can’t hold my own and am too easy to take advantage of.

We’ve been dating for a year and 8 months and this hasn’t been a major issue before until recently. He thinks my friends are even stupider and influence me to do bad things because one time a man came up and groped me at a bar when I was with them.

He’s laying down the law with me and saying I don’t understand because I’m not a man that I’m not safe. I understand the world can be scary but I’m always vigilant in public settings, always watch my back. I said if he feels that way he can come with me but he won’t so I’m basically just his house slave like idk how I’m supposed to live like this. Am I just being totally oblivious or is he being controlling? Advice is much appreciated!

TL;DR, boyfriend won’t let me go out in public with my friends because he thinks I’m not capable of holding my own.

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