There’s a girl I went to high school with that I now also go to the same college as. She’s doing an internship with a company I want to ask about (what’s it like? Difficulty? Advice if I wanna apply, etc).

The trouble is that in all the years we’ve known each other, we have literally never hung out, nor have either of us attempted to reach out while we were in college together.

How can I ask to talk or hang out when either is a deviation from our norm?

  1. >How can I ask to talk or hang out when either is a deviation from our norm?

    You don’t – at least not right off the bat. Reach out to her through LinkedIN and ask about the company (ans throw in a bit like “how have you been? Hope all is well with you…” ans then hop to questions about the company). Keep it business at this point – don’t ask to hangout.

    Now if she gives you her socials or something…then you can reach out and ask about meeting for coffee or something. Otherwise, dont.

  2. I would probably just text her and ask if she would be okay answering your questions, if not no biggie.
    And then if she agrees set up a date where you call her or you guys meet up for a coffee.

    Never used LinkedIn, but probably give that a shot as other people commented.

  3. many people do this to me. we never spoke in school/college but they want to know something i already know and will out of blue say a hi, and ask me. i never mind it. i just tell them whatever they want.

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