So I’m going to try and keep this short and precise, So I as a (18m) find it hard to love someone. I’m not sure if it’s just immaturity that I can’t see myself wanting to love someone just yet but for example, recently I was talking to this girl and we were having a really good time and quickly “falling in love” but this morning I woke up and just sorta realized I lost feelings for her already and this has only been going on for 2 week, It’s not like she did anything wrong but I just lost feelings. Now this exact thing has happened multiple times where I just lose feelings for a girl out of nowhere and then I block them and move to the next one and then the cycle repeats. I’m honestly not sure why I’m like this and I always tell myself I wanna fall in love like I see everyone else doing, My mom said it’s probably because I haven’t moved out of the “hoe man” phase and I probably just need a few more years of experience until I finally feel ready to settle down. Any thoughts or advice?

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