
So a week ago, my gf asked me to do STD tests which worried me a bit as it seems like it was really urgent, she told me she was going to do them too. I did all the tests as fast as I can and was finally negative to all of them.

But now, she's acting like it's not important anymore and she don't want to do the tests anymore.

It's a bit weird and bit annoying because she put a lot of pressure on me to do them but the last day she had to do it was today and she didn't do them as I expected (she's going on holidays in another country for the next month)

She told me that in case she had something it could be something from her past partners but at the same time she told me she took a test 6 months ago (at the beginning of our relationship).

I just feel like a huge red flag has gone up, but I don't want to be completely paranoid either.

I really don't want to discover that she cheated on me after doing another test in 2 to 3 months and being positive to one STD (or more).

I'm a bit stuck and already asked her to do them because we never know, but… So what am I supposed to do ? Should I let the situation as it is and wait or should I keep ask her to find a solution to do them ?

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