I’m heartbroken and just need to vent rn. I just broke up with a girl I was super into and I’m absolutely devastated. It wasn’t a long relationship, (3 months exactly) but it was very passionate and we moved really fast. We told each other “I love you” really quick and pretty much spent almost every day together since we met. I’ve never loved any woman I’ve been with the way I loved her, I was so infatuated with her that it might have blinded me to some red flags but I legitimately (and stupidly) thought this woman would be the mother of my children. I know I was stupid to start having those thoughts this early but I’ve literally never felt this way about anyone I’ve ever dated and I really thought we were meant for each other.

I didn’t see it coming until the middle of the day today when she got cold and distant over text, leaving me on read, etc. and at the end of the day, she texts me saying we should break up. I called her and we talked for about 20 mins and she told me she still isn’t over her ex.

This crushed me, her ex was with her for 4 years and from what she tells me he was an abusive piece of shit who physically beat her (she’s shown me pictures of bruises from it). It’s so humiliating to me that she would choose someone like him over me. She also told me that she didn’t think she loved me and was just in the honeymoon stage of the relationship, and it really hurts to hear that because I felt I truly loved her.

This hurts more than any other breakup I’ve had in the past and I genuinely don’t know how I’ll recover from this. I know it will get better with time, but rn my heart is shattered into a million tiny pieces and I feel so empty. I’m in a really dark place right now. What helps you get over them faster?

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