So my boyfriend (M25) and I (F23) have just moved to another city, for work. We don't live together as we're having separate accommodation provided by our employers (we're having a one-year contract both of us and it's common where we live to have the accommodation provided by the company then). We live very close to each other and our search for a flat was extremely unsuccessful so we were fine with the situation. It's not a problem for us but it definitely decreases the amount of time we spend together, which will be important in the later part of the story.

We moved to the city that we live in now literally a month ago. A few days after we arrived, he got a call from another job, in a different city, hundreds of kilometers away. He had an interview with them and we basically never talked about what happens if he gets this job, because he always says that „he will for sure not get it” (while im almost sure he will). First he was saying that even if he got an offer, it would be a conversation for later because he would start in January earliest. When I asked him after the interview about how it went, he said he told the interviewer that he could start in November. But again, we're not talking about it at all because "he will not get the job anyway". I know for sure that if he gets the job, he will take it and move. He knows it too.

Also a few days ago he suddenly said he hates his job and is looking for another one. It came out of nowhere, he never mentioned ANYTHING bad about his job before, and then one day he says that he is serious about wanting to quit it. I'm super confused about what he is doing and I feel like there is a lot of things he is not telling me because I don't see how you can change your opinion so often and so abruptly, this whole new job thing that we cannot talk about… I get that we are not seeing each other every day because sometimes we stay at work long hours and then we don’t always talk for too long or see each other in person but still… am I crazy for finding it really weird? I always thought you would discuss such things more with your partner? 

TL;DR I feel like my boyfriend is not telling me things

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