– I’m pretty sure I’m depressed, and I’m finally starting to realize that a lack of human connections significantly contributes to that.
– I’m in University but several years behind where I’m supposed to be for my age which adds onto my insecurities and anxieties about being so far behind in life compared to others my age
– i want to make friends and have a relationship, but i don’t know where to start
– how can i make friends
– i don’t really have social anxiety, and I’m pretty well-spoken, i just don’t know how to start meeting people and making friends.
– i think I’m kind of a socially awkward person, but generally okay to be around
– i have little to no experience casually interacting with people outside my family
– I’ve never used social media and i don’t really want to start, mainly because it doesn’t interest me and for privacy reasons. I’m pretty sure that’s a red flag for a lot of people, and I’m willing to start using it if it helps meet people. i have accounts for most sites, but I’ve never posted or used anything on them.
– I’ve signed up for clubs at my uni, but they don’t start till this September
– I’m on Reddit a lot, but just as a lurker
– I’m also open to making friends online if that’s an option. i know some of my younger relatives have good friendships with people they met online, but again, i don’t know where to start.

– How can i get into a relationship
– i really don’t know where to start with this
– for a long time i told myself i would start using dating apps once i lost some weight, but I’ve been saying that for several years now, and it hasn’t happend
– im pretty sure im bi/pan but prefer generally female presentation
– i have barely any experience with taking to friends, let alone someone romantically
– i don’t know any dating/social/relationship/sexual etiquette.
– i know the lack of social media thing is going to be an even bigger red flag to people I’m looking to date
– i feel a little insecure/anxious about the fact that I’ve never been with someone and how someone else would react to that. i also know that a 22yo whose never romantically or sexually interacted with someone is gonna be a red flag to a lot of people
– i was wondering if it world be better to first try a gay dating site. ive heard that its alot easier to find hookups on things like grinder. For me who just wants to get that first time out of the way i felt it might be easier. This is gonna sound shitty but i also figured it would be easier to explain away my awkwardness by saying its my first time with a guy. i feels kind misleading considering ive never been with anyone at all but i dont know/want to explain how ive never been with anyone to someone i dont know and trust very well.

– My hobies include
– i watch alot of tv and movies
– i watch alot of youtube, mostly video essays, media analysis, DIY stuff, aquarium terrarium stuff, commentary and comedy stuff
– i read alot of manga and webtoons online but i havent been watching anime that much
– i recently started reading some comics like ultimate spiderman , preacher, and immortal hulk
– i recently started reading some non fiction books – Neil gaimen’s Norse gods, and the discworld book Mort
– if you guys know of any places/ ways too meet people, i’d really appreciate any advise you could give

  1. All your hobbies are indoor. And it’s nerds’ stuff lol. No offense, I also read manga, though only one.

  2. you’ll be fine, you seem cool. As far as dating, just be honest about being inexperienced, it’s not a big deal. For making friends this summer, try to find a group hobby/activity that aligns with what you like! Maybe you would enjoy something like dnd, or maybe there’s some sort of film watching group near you.

  3. Tinder, and find a cougar to teach the sexual ropes. That’ll help one the problems.

  4. Hi op!

    Id suggest looking for a streamer on twitch/youtube that you would enjoy watching and join the community. It can be kind of scary at first, but usually people start being friendly when they keep seeing you around (and maybe join their discord?)
    Applies to real life too, like regularly visiting a cafe.

    Also, Im not sure if youre a fan of writing but theres an app called Slowly. Its like writing and sending a mail which takes days to deliver, but digitally.
    So far, Ive wrote a few letters to new people.
    It quite fun and feels really different than just texting.

    Youre on the right track to join a club. If its a sports club, you can easily suggest going out to grab a meal after a tiring session. Or a film club, suggesting movies to watch together.

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