Hey y'all! I'm moving into my dorm for my freshman year of college in a few weeks and there's one thing I'm worried out of my mind about: being able to make friends and keep those relationships going (so two things, I guess). I'm not unsociable by any means; I can strike up a conversation with a stranger no problem. What the problem I'm facing is is being able to do that more than once. All of those stranger conversations I've had have been about one topic and then we go out separate ways. I only have three close friends from high school (I have other friends, but not on the same level as my Cirque du Silly), so I'm very used to people being used to my… unorthodox humor. I'm worried about potentially weirding people out and being seen as "that guy." Any tips on making friends and getting those lasting relationships? If it helps at all, I'm a theatre major.

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