I need some honest opinions about this situation. Two months ago, I (25yo) had a fling with this guy (27yo) that I met from other friends that was pretty intense—we were hanging out almost every day for about a month (and he was always the one initiating). From the beginning, we both agreed it was something casual. But out of nowhere, he just ghosted me. I even tried to reach out, and he responded, but in a weird and distant way. So I let it go because I didn't want to hurt my ego even more (lol). Now, out of the blue, he reappeared and asked me out, and I went. He was talking to me as if we had just seen each other a week ago, not two months ago. The vibe was very casual, with no apparent intentions. He vented a lot about work, said he was tired of his friends, and wanted to talk to someone different, so he thought of me. At the end of the night, he invited me to his place, but I declined.
I'm confused about what his intentions are with me. I don’t know if he was just lonely or if he genuinely wants to reconnect. Has anyone else been through something like this? How would you handle it? I just wish he would be upfront, like, 'Hey, I met someone else, so I’m backing off,' or 'Hey, I don't think this is working anymore,' and then distance himself. But instead, he disappeared and then reappeared! Help, what should I do? Because honestly, I’d love to see him again, but I don’t want to be treated like this.
— Important point: i’m ok with the fact that we only want to have sex and some “talk dates” sometimes and that’s all, so that’s why I don’t get the ghosting or the lack of communication

TLDR – I don’t know how to react to this situationship ghosting me

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