I love you, have loved you, always loved you and wish so badly that life didn't do you as it did. Dying at 30 I couldn't imagine, you were always a ball of life, so lively a little sprite of sorts. You could meet someone and I'd feel you knew them for years but only met two minutes ago, already best friends, almost how we met in a way too…but somehow you picked me as more than the rest.

I am forever thankful as you were the light to my every dark, the funny to my every sorrow, the sweet to my sour…you were beautiful inside and out. You were such a sexy little thing too you know, and you were always up for familiarity with me at any go, I will never forget our love for anything and it's something that made me wish I gave the ring. We had chances we had fallouts, we had ups and downs and all arounds. I just wish I knew then what I knew now.

Our families jived, our situation was perfect and I blew it all to hell because I wanted to travel and take the ride. I wanted for myself and not for us, you wanted further and I felt a lack of focus. We met years in, on a Parisienne bridge where a ring should have been, but in the end, only a lock was given…

There are very select people in this world that touch the hearts of everyone they meet and make an impact, you were one, and despite us breaking up for possibly the fact that you were so good for everyone else I needed to let you go, I wish so deeply I could have kept you mine. You were so loyal, true, and set for me, I now look back and think myself a fool.

I know you got married later on as you got sick and as you did, and he was a lucky man, there has never been a girl or woman as you have been. I would have loved for you to have had my last name, I remember you writing it expecting to do so, seeing how our families would collide seamlessly it seemed. You loved my family and they loved you, to this day 10 years later they still do…we all felt similar and can't escape the fact that it was all so right but knowing now it's all gone so wrong.

You were an angel on this earth and you're a true angel now, I am set to have a daughter with another, i love both of them lots and forever, but I can't imagine a life without ever knowing you regardless… and what we could have created together if we just did it right, and I'd be every bit a widower knowing what I know now just to have spent those last couple years with you.

I got the best years of you I feel and I have survivors guilt for what's ahead for me, but you have come back to see me in my dreams with fun and love and it's always been sweet…if I could ever imagine anything for my daughter, it would be that she is as loving as you were to everyone and to shine your light…you still shine bright love, you always did, that's why you died out so soon…the best ones always do.

I think I need to let you go now though, my time for these feelings and my life avenue are running their course, I just need you to know that you mattered and you were the best and even though we didnt work out or that you died young you lived a full life because you live in the hearts of everyone you came in contact with, you touched us all beyond what anyone could imagine…You are loved from all and I can't wait to meet up with you again in the after life. I love you. Goodbye darlin, I just need to let you go…..see you on the other side…

TLDR reddit hates love and read the damn wall of text if you want…

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