I’m (m19) and she’s (f20). I met this girl on an obscure dating app called wizz. I’m gonna start off with this, her personality is a bit strange, but usually i’m down with that because I think i’m a bit of an oddball myself. Anyways, this girl has a lot of pets and she talks about them pretty often, but not to the point where it gets annoying. I enjoy her talking about them because it makes her happy, so I’ll listen when I can. I’ve been to her place a couple times, but she’s never been to mine, so one day she asks me if I have any pets, I tell her I have a dog and she seems so shocked so I send her a picture of him, and she’s so excited and we have a conversation about my dog, and I thought that was that.

But I was wrong. Now whenever I start a conversation with her she asks “how’s your dog?” and I mean, he sleeps all day and does pretty much nothing. Don’t get me wrong, I love my dog but there’s not really much of a change in status with him. If that was it, okay, fine, whatever. But then she will always make the conversation about my dog. I mentioned once that he licked a wall and she will make jokes about wall licking. She will ask other questions about the dog. If I try to change the subject, she will try to spin it back to my dog, no joke. Example: If I were to say: “We should get ice cream later” she’d say “Don’t get chocolate so you can give some to your dog!” This isn’t sometimes, it’s EVERY conversation. It’s really starting to get annoying at this point and I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but I really wish she would just stfu about the dog. I am seriously considering dropping her over this it’s getting on my nerves so much. What do I do? How do I tell her nicely?

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