He has always been open about wanting to do a prenup which i have never been against. He went through a divorce years ago and from what he's told me, she took everything. The idea of it in the beginning made me sad as i didn't know much about them (i still don't) but he made it clear it was to protect both of us and i warmed up to the idea of a prenup. Especially if it helps him feel more secure in our relationship.
We have been doing IVF this past summer and i haven't been working as our plan is for me to be a SAHM. This means i have no income, no retirement savings. He has also has put his money and our house (which i have no legal claim to) in a trust.
He has told me that i will have my own legal representation when we go to sign on Thursday. The gist of the prenup his lawyers have drafted up state i would get $100,000 for every year we are married.
His annual income is about 3 million. I will be waiving all alimony/spousal support and my claim to any home or assets or savings in the unfortunate event of a divorce. I haven't actually seen the paperwork yet. But after talking to my therapist and a close friend i don't feel good about this anymore. I still am entirely open to signing a prenup…but i can't help but feel that im getting one pulled over me right now. Should i have concerns given this information? Any advice would be much appreciated

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