The greatest example of that could be this tall, unbelievably disrespectful, cowardly, openly stupid drinking and vaping guy with basically no social barriers, from an old poor looking neighborhood of insane old people and people similiar to him, that I was in class with since 1st grade of elementary school all the way to final grade (which means I knew basic information about him since -10 years old to 12-14, as my friend would talk about him regularly). He'd get the most records for any kind of punishments in my class near every year. The friend he spent the most time with was near as stupid, but was more insecure and cowardly, and for perspective of how he treated the frend, (storytime) I was once at friendA's birthday party, and he was there along with his best friend (for some damn reason. He said his short man syndrome brother, who i saw say online that he hates ukrainian immigrants, invited him there), and when his best friend went to take a dump, he literally slammed the door open to record him bbn sitting on the toilet. His friend then just left in tears, came back a couple minutes later after they wanted him to come back, and as he did, he agressively told him to remove the video.
And for some reason, my friends would frequently choose to be around him, interact with him, even if he usually paid virtually no attention with them or initiated no cool events or stuff. I would ask them why they hang out with him or maybe stop from doing so (as I think I said to them that he was being an asshole to me, ironically after we got to know each other better), and I recall them saying that they're being aware of his bad traits. I think one time, friendA even said that, when we were hanging out together, that he wants to come where the guy is because he wanted to see him do dumb stuff, which I need to mention, that didn't happen a lot, maybe like not even once a month they would talk about him doing something wild. Why? Nowhere it says online that making everyone around you laugh for any reason and having a stupid laugh will make everyone like you. ( I also have diagnosed aspergers)(hope i did not make a post like this in the past)

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