As asked above

What is something women think impresses men but actually doesn’t impress men at all

  1. I have no idea what women think impresses men. I can name things I don’t like, but I honestly don’t know if women do those things to attract men or for themselves.

  2. Probably expensive fashion accessories like purses and shoes. When I look at a woman I look at her face and body, the way her clothes highlights her body adds value. But accessories I don’t care about.

  3. Saying they have high standards because they don’t have any real standards and now I’m concerned about her meeting my standards which wasn’t a concern until she said that lol

  4. Body count

    Having her own cash flow

    For me personally, I work in the medical field. So showing me your body ain’t gonna do anything.

  5. * Their makeup
    * Their income
    * How many hours they work
    * Places they’ve traveled
    * Celebrities they’ve met
    * Any social media related ‘accomplishments’

  6. Their car. One of my lady colleagues was trying to impress me by constantly mentioning her brand new Mercedes SUV. The only thing I could think was that this lady is completely financially irresponsible.

  7. I find it so weird and insecure when men say money or a good career isn’t attractive.

    Of course that would never affect my physical attraction to a girl but if that trait alone was equal then a women with a good job or wealth would 100% be more attractive to me

  8. Botox. IDGAF about your forehead lines if you can’t even make normal human facial expressions.

  9. Facial piercings. Tongue, nose, lips, eyebrow. They ask, “Do you like my piercings?”

    My response, “Do you like your piercings?” They say yes, and I tell them that’s all that matters. Obvious subtext, being that they do nothing for me. Honestly though, i don’t care for them, but I wouldn’t let that get in the way of what could potentially be a good relationship.

  10. Whenever she says she is great in bed or great at other extra curricular activities…

    She is usually terrible,awkward,starfish 2.0 and uncoordinated.

  11. She’s travelled to 20 plus countries but all she knows about them is where to get the cheapest cocktails.

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