
My ex (also a long-time family friend) and I broke up mutually after a 1 month relationship 3 years ago, with no bad blood initially. Long story short, I didn’t expect him to keep in contact, but in hindsight I shouldn’t have replied to him all those times. He did some toxic and hurtful stuff to me, but I’ve always maintained we should stay as friends. I’m not sure why he was so persistent, maybe because we’ve known each other since childhood but it’s still a bit much for a 1 month relationship.

Fast forward to now, he comes back this year and does his usual thing with me. This time, again I had a feeling he wasn’t being honest about his “friendly” intentions, so I removed him off of social media. It’s been more than a month now, and I still see that he checks my account. This doesn’t bother me but I’m worried he’ll come back again. Should I block him or how should I proceed? Thanks for any help!

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