Let me start by saying this is kind of a long story that I have tried condensing to the best of my ability. I apologize for the length but hope people will still read because I could really use the advice. TLDR at bottom.

A couple months ago a friend of mine (29NB) came to stay with me (27F) and my fiancé (28NB) as they passed through town on a road trip. We will call the friend Sam. My friend Sam and I have know each other for about 12+ years through mutual friends but were never very close, we both travel a lot and actually only really hung out when we would wind up in they same city at the same time while traveling despite living in the same city at the time.

Sam left the state they were living in to travel the US full time with their dog for a while, they were passing through my new city and asked if I wanted to hang out the night they were in town but it was already late by the time they came through so I wasn’t sure if I wanted them to come to my house because of their dog and our 5 dogs, 2 of whom were quarantine pups so didn’t get very well socialized with dogs outside the home. I found out they were planning on just sleeping in their car at a nearby park and it was already late so I reluctantly said we can try to do a slow introduction with the dogs to see how they do together. We do the intros and the 2 I was worried about didn’t do so well with their dog so we just decided we can keep them separated for the night since it will only be one night.

Fast forward multiple days and they keep saying they’re leaving “tomorrow, Saturday, ok Monday, etc” then they disclosed they were scammed out of pretty much all of their money through a money transfer app. Finally my fiancé and I spoke about it and thought we would offer to let them stay for a bit so they could get a job and save some money and maybe pitch in a little rent to help us out too (we asked for very little, pretty much just enough to cover the extra cost in utilities being used).

They agreed, applied to 2 jobs and waited for weeks to hear anything back instead of actually working on finding something they mostly just sat around watching anime and sleeping all day. We were paying for all the groceries and they basically relied on us cooking every meal and waiting to eat until we would cook. Sam finally gets a job and we let them know we are fine buying groceries but they need to pitch in a little, they agreed. Still Sam relies on us to cook most meals and eats our left overs if we cook without them. I don’t mind that so much but in the 3 months they have been here they have cooked only 2 meals that weren’t just for themself and both of which were with my assistance despite always expecting us to cook for them. My fiancé is a chef so cooking all day means they don’t want to come home and cook for an additional person.

These are mild annoyances, now the real strains coming in are Sam literally just sits around all day long watching tv or tiktok. They are constantly wanting to be wherever we are and I will be doing something and they want me to stop what I’m doing to show me a tiktok. I work from home and they have come into my office just to show me a tiktok while I was working. They don’t contribute to any household chores, they will cook themselves a meal but leave all the dishes out, spices spilled, burning our new cookware and left to sit out. We will be cleaning the house and they don’t try to help unless asked. We have to constantly ask them to clean up after themselves. Their room is a massive mess at all times which is fine if that’s how they want to live in their own area but in common areas it should be common courtesy to keep the areas clean. The issue with Sam’s room being a mess is that they will have so much on their bed that they will sleep on the couch all day in the common area because they physically can’t fit on their bed.

Sam is an extremely negligent pet owner, their dog only gets about 15 minutes outside at max unless my fiancé and I are the ones taking him out. Because he doesn’t get along with 2 of my dogs they have to be separated at all times so we let our dogs have time outside but he has the opportunity to go out but Sam doesn’t take him. He has relieved himself in our house multiple times because they simply don’t take him out, I have mentioned politely so many times that he needs more time outside and they say ok every time yet nothing ever changes. 2 days ago they let him outside as they were leaving for work, texted me to let him in soon WHILE I was working as if just because I work from home I can leave my desk at any time. I was in a very important meeting and had to step away because he was outside barking his head off next to my neighbors window, who also works from home. I spoke to them about it this morning and they said they’d do better yet only let him out 2x all day and didn’t even bother before they left for work. We don’t mind watching him while Sam works but it’s almost become expected of us to do it while they’re home as well and I feel awful for the dog. Sam forgets to give him water and I sometimes find him in the bathtub trying to get water from the spout. Sam treats this dog as an accessory meant to be there as a relief for their anxiety and not like a living being. They love the dog but I feel like the dog is not being cared for. The kicker is, Sam didn’t tell me until a while after being here that he has a bite history with multiple people (previous owners) sending 2 people to the hospital after I noticed he is extremely food and bone aggressive when he growled at me for walking in the same room as him while he had a bone/food. I am somewhat scared of the dog and he recently attacked my small dog over a bone, puncturing her skin.

I’m at my wits end here because now he has to be separated from all the dogs and it’s closing off a lot of my home from my dogs to roam in, they don’t take him out to get energy out, they don’t clean up after themselves, and they seem blatantly unaware of how irresponsible and inconsiderate they’ve been. There is so much more but this post is already so long.

I want to ask them to move out but we are in a state Sam doesn’t know anyone and I don’t want to just kick them out but not sure how to go about it. I would like to give them some kind of notice maybe a 30 day notice but I feel like it will be very awkward and I simply don’t know how to say it without coming off as harsh as I feel at this point. I don’t want to lose a friend but don’t see how to do it without that happening. What should I do?

TLDR; friend moved in, their dog is not well taken care of, they are inconsiderate to the house and practically expect my fiancé and I to be their maid, chef, and dog sitter. Not sure how to approach how to ask them to leave without losing a friend.

  1. Honestly loose the friend and good riddance. There is no excuse for their behaviour

  2. Give them $50 for gas, some snacks and a bag of dog food and tell them to pack up and leave.

    Why are you being a door mat for? This person isn’t even your friend and they are just using you.

    Dang. Why would you allow yourself and your dogs to be treated like this.

    They knew exactly what they were doing when they came rolling in. They knew they didn’t have money or if they do they are hiding it.

    Like seriously, go out right now, withdraw $50, buy some snacks or some uncrustables, go back home, grab a bag of dog food, bag it all up and tell them to get their stuff right now and leave.

    Right now.

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