Today, the results of the exam I took 2 months ago is announced. I got into the university I wanted, I will go to a big city to study at the university, it was the happiest day of my life and I wanted to share it with my friends.

I am bisexual. And I live in a small city in a Middle Eastern country, so I have to hide myself for the health/reputation of both myself and my family. I generally was so afraid of my identity being found out that I didn't tell anyone, even him about my situation.

I was happily talking about the university with a very close friend of 2 years. Then suddenly, in the middle of our conversation, he said out of the blue, "Be careful about the gays."

At first I didn't understand what he meant and "What does it have to do with anything?" I asked. He said to me, "You are going to university in a big city. If there are so many gays in a small city, there must be plenty of them in a big city. Protect your ass."

It felt like boiling water had been poured over my head. Deep down, I always thought he was a little suspicious about me, but in my happiest moment he put it in front of me as if to say, "I know what the f*ck you are, and since you're going to move away from me, I can easily throw it in your face."

Then I asked him "How do you know there is so much gays in our small city?" like i don't know aything about his deal, and then he just sent me a smiley face and gone.

I shocked and talked to 2 more friends with whom I was close. They also hit me in the face, implying the same thing in different ways. I don't know if they really found out, but it can't be a coincidence that 3 of my sincere friends shoved this thing in my face on the same day.

I feel very bad. I blocked them from everywhere. Do you think it's my fault? Is it a fault if I don't tell him I'm bisexual? Or is it directly my fault that I'm bisexual? My happiest day turned into a nightmare 🙁

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