I’m really struggling with this. I tend to have poor boundaries and too much empathy and I end up in relationships that are unbalanced.

-my husband who has a lot of childhood trauma and anger issues, poor communication and conflict skills. But I had empathy due to his trauma and 6 years later I realize I’ve made my life much worse in service of him

-a group of friends who I was collaborating on a project with. They refused to do their parts so I took on so much and was burning myself out bc I didn’t want to ask too much of them.

-an old coworker who randomly messaged me and started talking about problems in his marriage and his sexuality. He’s not making a move on me but he’s working through some stuff culturally and in his marriage. The convo made me uncomfortable but I struggled to cut it off bc I had sympathy for him

Where is the line? I want to be a good and caring person. But I feel like I don’t know where to draw a line and say that’s enough.

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