Hello we been in long distance relationship since 1.5yr we only meet 3 or 4 times a year and apart from kissing and hugging we haven't tried anything else, I love her so much and every thing is really good with us except our physical intimacy every time I try to talk with her about it she drop the topic and say I'm not ready. I keep asking her why you don't wanna do with me and she keep changing the reason first she said she is not ready then second time she said we will do after I get a good job. Then after she got a really good job, I initiated a conversation on our physical intimacy then she said she is not ready and will only do after marriage. I don't know what to do. My love language is physical touch and I wanna experience physical intimacy with her. When I tried taking with her she said if you not happy with me we can breakup I really love her but I don't wanna leave her. How do I handle this situation? ……. please ignore any grammatical mistakes english is not my first language.

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