Med of reddit, what hurts today?

  1. Almost ten hours and I wasn’t able to work for just five minutes. Another wasted day.

  2. That I might have to end it with my girl today depending on how she behaves. She’s been acting a little suspicious the past week and today I’ll find out what it’s all about and make a decision. We started dating 5 months ago and I’ve really grown to like her. I know I’ll be fine in the end but it would still suck. Oh well, such is life.

  3. Most of the lower half of my body, but it’s coming and going today so I have some relief and can get some workouts done today. Spine injuries suck ass lol

  4. I don’t want to just dream about that family. I want to actually have it. 4 little kids. Beautiful loving wife. 3 dogs.
    But today I can’t seem to even dream about it.
    My soul hurts.

  5. My back and hips. (I’m still recovering from surgery).

    My mind and heart are just really, idk… Sad and difficult to live with esp lately. coming up on 5 years since I lost my gf/best friend I’ve ever had.

  6. My left shoulder.

    I fall asleep cuddled up to my wife every night but it takes a toll on my shoulder. Might have to sleep on my back tonight.

  7. The Delta on my right shoulder hurts. Last week finally had a therapist looking at it. No clue what she did, but it is magical.

  8. Not necessarily hurts, sort of numb and working through it. Wife of 9 years is unhappy and says she doesn’t think she was ever really in love with me. Obviously it’s a bit complicated and I won’t get into all of it right now, but it’s a huge change that could be coming after spending so long with her. Everyday we aren’t in therapy it feels like i’m closer to losing her.

  9. Especially my back. Sciatica kicked up this week due to lifting an twisting while working on a project. Having trouble walking normally and sitting at work this morning.

  10. My lower back. I moved funny in my sleep I guess and now I’m paying for it.

  11. Left shoulder and right foot.

    Shoulder because I strained a muscle during exercises. Foot because I stepped on one of my daughters small toys.

  12. Found out my girl cheated on me so I cut off contact with her this weekend.

    No matter how much I force myself I can’t convince myself that I made the right call. I miss her so much already.

  13. Had a kickass workout yesterday so Im pleasantly sore all over.

    Under my left shoulder blade is an unconscious knot though

  14. I fell at the skate park a few times this morning. so my left shin, right hip, right wrist….and my ego

  15. My body, my mind, my soul. Everything else is alright though, well, maybe not.

  16. Did major yard work (I have a very large landscaped yard, did all the work myself) mowing, trimming bushes, etc. I am still in decent shape but I’m also 62. This morning I’m walking around more like a zombie.
    30 when me and wife built the house, oh lets get a large lot so we can have a pretty yard…..😵‍💫

  17. Right shoulder. Between yard work, cleaning the vehicles, and an impromptu range visit, I can hardly move my right arm today.

  18. The only happy moments I really have any more are when I hug my kids so I guess everything?

  19. My neck hurt when I try to look to the left side. Slept on the couch drunk last weekend

  20. Same as every day: always having been single, always will be. Almost 37. No real emotional connections with other people, other than my mom and little nephew/niece, whom I see about once a month. Always empty inside.

  21. That I wasnt enough/ was took for granted, I have lost 15 kg going for abs next the. Some decent size and sorting myself a good Apprenticeship.

  22. My shoulders and traps bro. Squatted for the first time, I’m soo proud of myself!!

  23. Back. Been shoveling for a pool in the backyard. Too cheap to hire somebody.

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