Hi everyone, I’m looking for some advice.

About 7 months ago, I left a very abusive and narcissistic relationship. Since then, I’ve done a lot of inner work and recently decided to start dating again. I’ve met someone I really like, and we’ve been seeing each other for about a month now.

While he’s kind, calm, and consistent, so different from my ex… I find myself feeling very guarded. He knows about my past, and while I can open up about some things, there’s a part of me that still feels off. He’s also very witty and phrases things in ways that sometimes intimidate me, but I do enjoy our conversations.

The relationship seems to be moving at a slow but good pace, yet I often feel anxious and struggle to let my guard down. I worry about saying the wrong thing or getting too comfortable, only for something bad to happen.

I’m not sure how to fully enjoy dating right now, and sometimes I just want to cry because it feels like a part of me is resisting. I hope this makes sense. I would really appreciate any advice on how to navigate these feelings.

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