Hi I really need advice and would appreciate any help;)

So I’m 22f and I am not dating atm, and tbf have never dated. But of recent a lot of people have been on my neck about dating. Family tell me I don’t get out a lot and look down at me for not clubbing or getting drunk off my face and going out to party. They are older and the advice I’m getting makes me feel boring and less than.

I went through a tough spot with a guy I never dated who managed to knock my self esteem and make me feel so tiny that the idea that a guy being interested in me sounds like a myth. When I see a guy I like I freeze and can’t even look him in the eye. I don’t even know how I’d begin to date. My self esteem is soooo low – what hurts even more is that people telling me that i need to start dating know about this situation.

I have a lot of work to do but it just doesn’t help that I am trying to be better but am made to feel worse by people who party, use dating apps and meet men. I feel so invisible and upset and embarrassed.

I’m not working atm so spend all my time at home and am back in my home town so the dating scene is exactly the same as it was at 16. Coming from a non diverse area this sounds like hell. They never picked girls like me back then so why would they now.

I’m tired of how so many people are on my neck but I feel like I’m wasting my youth because everyone makes me feel bad for hating those things- am I a terrible person , I’m not sure what to do? I’m really frustrated

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