I've pretty much been eating the same way for my while adult life, but I feel like my body is liking that less and less as time goes on. Did you feel this too and feel forced to change to a different diet or just watch what you eat in general? I feel like it's a task just remembering to take time to eat throughout the day while I'm busy doing other things.

  1. I have to do way, way more if I want to eat healthier, but I have cut down my sugar quite a lot and pretty much switched entirely to diet soda, because I found that I just couldn’t process sugar as easily and it was causing me a lot of fatigue. I would ideally like to get more vegetables and such in my diet, but haven’t found a way to do it on my budget, kitchen space, work schedule and energy level.

  2. Snacking less, switched from sugar to sweeteners in my drinks and having more vegetarian meals.

  3. Cutting down on sugar intake is a rather standard procedure followed by healthier food choices which means less processed food and more fresh fruits and veggies.

  4. I have no candy, no simple carb snacks at home.

    Don’t you worry, somehow I find a sugary or savory treat at work somehow but at home it’s just meat, fruit, and vegetables. Every Friday I’ll treat myself, usually cinnamon toast crunch on Friday.

    I bike about 100 miles a week but despite all this I am 225 and 5’9″.

  5. Cut back on sugar, eat healthier, I don’t eat as much as I used to, drink a lot more water, drink less alcohol

  6. When I turned 35, I just don’t eat as much. I used to have a big appetite, but I don’t anymore. I was the guy that always cleaned the plate. I’ve been working out hard and lifting weight. I just can’t eat that much food anymore.

  7. I’ve always had a massive appetite , ever since I was a kid. In my mid-30’s now I eat more than ever, but I also eat a lot cleaner.

    Early 20’s : Ate like a garbage disposal, and incredibly unhealthy. Had no clue about calorie/MACRO requirements, just made sure to get at least some protein in. Plenty of ground beef, fried eggs, ham sandwiches, baked potatoes loaded with beans and cheese, chicken curries, meat stews. Weekends were an absolute right off with beer, junk food, roast dinners and sweets.

    Mid 20’s: Started to sort my act out, stopped being a fat cunt, did my research and started to track calories/macros. Ate within my TDEE and leaned up a bit. Meals were cleaner; chicken, tuna, pasta, lean ground beef, protein shakes, vegetables, fruit, protein bars and greek yoghurt. Weekends I would still go all out and eat whatever I wanted. 

    Late 20’s/early 30’s: Diet got tighter and I started eating appropriately for bulks and cuts. Learned to cook better. Also stopped drinking, which was a game changer. Suddenly had way more energy, got more things done on the weekend and drastically better workouts. Still had one cheat day a week where I would eat like an unsupervised 7 year old at a buffet. 

    Mid 30’s to now (37yo): Pretty much the same as early 30’s. Have put on enough muscle where I can maintain a healthy weight and body fat % on 3,600-ish kcals, and that is a lot of food when you eat clean. Food is now primarily chicken breast, whitefish, salmon, eggs, cottage cheese, greek yoghurt, skyr, every vegetable under the sun, olive oil, rice, sweet potato and protein powder. I still have a cheat day once (or sometimes twice! 😲) a week, but it’s usually a “clean” cheat day consisting of as much as I want chicken legs, peanut butter, protein puddings, turkey bacon, roasted vegetables, full fat greek yoghurt, fruit, berries, nuts, etc. Then maybe once every 2-3 weeks have a fuck off cheat day, where I’ll smash 10,000 calories like it’s a Beard Meats Food challenge.

    I feel eating like I currently do has given me the best results in how I look and feel, so I’m sticking to it. My latest health test results for blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol etc if anyone’s interested:


  8. Don’t enjoy sweet things as much anymore would be the main change. I believe this is common in adults!

    I also transitioned from extremely milky coffees to straight up black which is how I prefer it, and on an empty stomach.

    I still love foods I’ve always loved though such as eggs, pizza, burgers etc

    I can also skip breakfast more easily now! Which used to be very difficult for me

  9. My wife decided to become a vegetarian. I did not join her, but I also prep a lot of our meals, so I started exploring lots of different ways to make veggies more interesting. The end result has definitely been a net benefit for me.

  10. I read a book called Glucose Revolution from Jessie Inchauspe. Its not super deep, quite to the point with practical examples. Where she explains what suger or more precisaly glucose spikes do to your body and how to keep the levels stable…

    The core is simple – have some vegie starter before each or most meals or whatever with fiber (I have some cucombures with tomatoes black peper and vinegar) then get your fats and carbs.

    So my typicall breakfast is like salad, then toast with eggs and if fancy with avokado. For main meals I usually do some meat with lots of leaves sallad, seeds, nuts and just bit of carbs like rice or pasta or sometimes without carbs completely.

    I feel more full for longer, have more energy, the cravings are pretty much gone.

    I also never go shopping hungry or eat stressed. If I come from work and feel like I need to eat as feeling anxious or edgy I do some yoga or breathing to calm down first – quite often the hunger disipates significantly and instead of huge calory bomb I have some greens with hard boiled eg or skip meal completely if its too late and then have bigger breakfast.

  11. The only way it changed is I now feel guilty eating pizza three days a week, whereas before I wouldn’t feel guilty.

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