Any advice on a relationship after breaking up ? M/27 and M/24

Any advice on a relationship after breaking up ? M/27 and M/24


Hi, my ex (M/27) broke up with me (M/23) two months ago, we were together during three years. He broke up because he was tired with some of my reactions (defensiveness, nervousness, anxiety,…). He said that it was too much for him and that he can’t handle this anymore. Before the break up, he was distant and I didn’t saw him during two weeks. He just told me that he needed a bit of time because he’s fed up, so I worked on myself, read a ton of books and saw my therapist 3 times. I had trouble eating and I went to the emergency because I didn’t ate during 4 days. I didn’t told him all of this at the time because I wanted to respect the distance that he wanted. The break up was difficult and we cried, we promised to stay there for the other.

During the two next weeks he was distant, we still talked everyday but it was different. And there was no touching when we saw each other. He was on Grindr and seeing a lot of guys, so I wanted to do the same. He cheated during the relationship but only online, never physically (actually yes he kissed a guy once). But on my time on Grindr I learned that he cheated during the last month of the relationship. Him and I talked about this, I was angry and sad and he told me that he cheated once one year before the break up and 8 times during the last month. He even saw 4 different guys during the two weeks break, when I was at the hospital.

This was a month ago, he apologised. He saw 20 guys at least and he was jealous when I told him I saw 2 (after he asked me). We also had a lot of good moments those last few weeks. We’re back to touching each other and we see each other every single day, we’re basically back to living like a couple.

He says he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me for now because he needs time to heal, and to discover some things about him.

I don’t know what to do because we’re like a couple right now without being one.


TL;DR; : I’m describing the beak up and what came after. We’re still in a similar relationship even though we’re not boyfriends. I’m asking for advices

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