I haven’t personally noticed it yet but in Austria there is a shortage of new cars meaning a waiting time of up to one year if you buy one. This also led to an increase in prices of used cars.

  1. No, not personally.

    I don’t buy a lot of consumer goods, only when I need something.

    I spend most of my money on travel (so less than usual in the last year).I haven’t had problems getting hold of particular foods that I wanted to buy… but maybe the price of some things has risen.

  2. I personally haven’t, but I know of all the problems.

    A friend works in IT, they have new employees coming in and the wait time for new laptops is 8 months. Another friend bought a new car and has been waiting for it for over half a year already and will probably wait for another half a year.

  3. I preordered a Steam Deck, which was scheduled for december but has been delayed to february now.

  4. The only difference I’ve noticed is that computers are a lot more expensive now. It’s inconvenient, because I really need a new one.

  5. I ordered a couch last month.. intentionally picked one with a shipping time of 2-3 weeks instead of 14-17 weeks. And ehhh.. It’s delayed, so Im gonna just expect it to arrive in February anyway. xD

    It’s alright though, having lawn chairs in your living room is an aesthetic of itself.

  6. In general day to day life – not at all. Supermarkets are stocked with everything I need and prices for the most part are stable – power prices have risen so I expect prices will creep up in 22..

    Specifically though bikes and bike parts are problematic or have been. In the UK there were long waits for specific bikes and new parts have been hard to come by. It seems very high end parts and bikes are hard to get and demand for cheap bikes during covid has made them harder to get. Prices seem to have risen accordingly as suppliers are reluctant to invest in increasing supply, unsure if demand will continue..

  7. I had to send back my stick for flight simulators back to the store as it was damaged. Took me 4 if not 5 months to get a new one once they refunded me the money. They were all just gone.

    Also, GPUs are such a rarity I was so incredibly lucky to get a 2060 super cheap, it was the only option I had (last year).

  8. There is a problem with buying IKEA stuff – getting PAX is mission impossible. I need to upgrade my son`s room with 2 additional PAX and these are unavailable(and cheaper options suck).

  9. I ordered a new 3080 on release day in September and it took about 8 months until I got it. At least it was still for the original price.

  10. Not majorly but there have been weeks when I haven’t been able to get everything at the supermarket – one week there was not a banana to be had, another week the bread aisle looked like [this](https://i.imgur.com/UyXnXip.jpg). My medication needs ordering 10 days in advance now rather than 5.

    Obviously we have a Brexit shitshow on top of a pandemic shitshow, but for now it’s been mostly an inconvenience rather than a problem.

  11. I work in SCM/production. Expect the prices of everything to go up a minimum 3 to 5%. Which by the time it reaches the consumer could be 12 to 15%.

  12. Europe has not been hit by this as hard as for example the United States since European ports are Heavily automated while american ports are not automated at all. supply chian problemas are more complex than just what us consumers see the reason there is a chip shortage for example is not because foundries were closed down because of SARS-CoV-2 spread its because we are running out of Silica sand.

  13. Yes, it has been a huge deal at work. Big projects lagging behind due to supply chain problems, prices going up, it has become so bad that we just can’t promise our customers anything anymore.

  14. Yes, three examples comes to my mind:

    I was in Ikea last weekend and they have a lot of issues with availibility of products.

    Also the book i wanted to buy is not available because there is no paper in printing house.

    I play x-wing miniature figure game and some ships models are also not available for a long time already.

    Edit: also not affected me prsonally but it stuck me that some aparently 1-2 years old cars are more expensive than new ones because of microchips shortage for car manufacturing.

  15. Not personally, as I am not a big tech consumer and I don’t need a new car now.

    In March and April 2020 there were local shortages, mainly yeast (everybody was baking at home) and masks – I went for groceries with a bandana on my face for the first month.

  16. I work for a large conglomerate who makes machines for the food and pharma. We are unable to get several critical subsystems due to the lack of semiconductors on the market. We even resorted to scouring ebay for parts, but even that line is dry now. All of our current projects are facing delays because of these issues. As our equipment is the primary means of production for a lot of big food companies worldwide, I suspect that issues with their production are going to manifest in 2022 and 2023.

    Personally. My new pre ordered Xbox Series X was supposed to be shipped on launch day(november 2020). It was shipped half a year later. Which is a lesser tragedy, but sucked nonetheless.

  17. i live near a storage parking area for new cars, basically near cars get shipped there till they are delivered to their specific dealer, because of the chip shortage you see the parking lot get emptier day by day, imagine seeing 300 parking spaces just being empty

  18. Not exactly due to the SC problems, but used laptops are hard to get.

    I usually bought a used 2-4 year old thinkpad for my business, but there aren’t nearly the same options available before a lot of people went into WFH. And they are more expensive now.

    Oh, an the Raspberry Pi 4 4GB disappeared from shops.

  19. I am allergic. Quite a few things that I need to eat my usual diet have been unavailable for months now. I was lucky enough to have found some in the end, but it was quite apparent that the order wasn’t just forgotten. Also, my cat needs a pretty common medicine which can’t be ordered since September now. I got our vets last sample and since then try everything else on the market to find the one replacement that works. I know, that is a minor thing, but for my pet this can become a major health issue.

  20. A few things like bicycles have become excessively expensive, 100 % price increase since the start of the pandemic. Also construction materials like hard wood and metal have made construction projects very expensive.

  21. My german car should’ve come around September. Found out that it’s coming next week 3 days before 2022. GPU prices are through the roof, paid roughly €500 more than MSRP for a 3080ti.

  22. I work logistics in a global company so… yes, absolutely. We are having stocking issues since a) it’s harder to source the parts needed for manufacturing and b) it’s hard to find drivers to move the manufactured items to the depots.

    Last mile is also affected but that I blame on Christmas, not the crisis. December has always been a nightmare in logistics…

  23. Everything is more expensive and takes longer, especially computer hardware.

    Also the stores have sometimes problems providing fresh fruits and vegetables

  24. I didn’t know it was a global supply chain crisis until 2 minutes ago. I don’t feel it at all.

  25. Noticed that institutional catering sized (ie. 2.5kg’s and heavier) fruit tins have been more and more on delivery blockades (ie. not available from supplier).

    For example, atm we are unable to get cubed peaches, pineapple chunks, mandarin segments ( in a tin).

  26. I don’t if it was part of this global crisis, but a month ago, newspapers were thinner for a few weeks because there was a paper shortage. Printing and publishing houses felt that shortage as well.

    Me personally, no, but my sunday newspaper was shorter than usual and the publishing company my partner works at had a little trouble getting its books printed.

  27. Yeah, my PC’s GPU (graphics card) died in February and I had to buy a new one when there wasn’t any graphics card stock at all, not even overpriced ones. You just couldn’t buy one in Spanish digital retailers unless you were ordering a full PC build, and finding them in physical stores was a gamble.

    After some deep digging on the internet for around 3 days or so, I found a GTX 1660 Dual on Amazon Spain (shipped from Portugal) for €370, which was €100 over its normal retailing price. I needed my PC to work on my graduation thesis so I had to purchase it either way.

    Last I checked the same GPU was over €700.

  28. I really want to buy a bike. But there is none for me. In my town were 7 Mountainbikes. 4 of them were too expensive and the others were too small or two big.

    Next year it won’t be better. They already planned the production and there are just a few bikes a viable each month.

  29. Yes. Couldnt afford a new pc due to old gpus costing as much as a mid range pc back in 2018, i bought ps5 instead.

  30. Yes, and also Brexit. Impossible to import anything from UK in a timely manner. And absolutely everything is more expensive, with huge delays, specially electronics. Other than that, everything is normal and a little bit more expensive.

  31. I moved back in with my parents with my SO from our appartment untill our house was built. Landlord preferred at least yearly contracts, and paying a year’s rent for living there only 3 more months was not on our bucket list.

    We were supposed to finish January 2021.

  32. Yeah. Wanted to order a new phone. The site said that there is a shortage and they will try to send it as soon as possible. That was in November. I hear that people who ordered that phone are still waiting… I decided to order the previous year model and so far I’m very satisfied.

  33. I can’t get my favourite sweets…cuz they are lacking the wrapping paper.

    And more importantly…bikes are super expensive right now, cuz the supply chains aren’t as smooth. I can’t afford the prices atm. So no bike for me.

  34. At work, yes. Aside from prices rising rapidly, many products are simply unavailable from our suppliers.

  35. Besides not being able to get my hands on a ps5, no. I made sure to order Xmas presents well in advance like I always do.

  36. I’ve been waiting for ip13 pro here since late september, few days ago they called me that they have like 800ish in stock, so I should get one. But the catch is that they already said the same in november so idk…

  37. Fuel and energy prices rising, other than that I haven’t. 2 months ago I bought a laptop with a decent GPU without an inflated price out luck, I grabbed some of the last that were in stock from an online shop that usually sells refurbished things (from what I can tell, mine wasn’t refurbished).

  38. Personally, not so much but I noticed that my groceries are a little more expensive.

    However, a friend of mine struggle to find the couch she wanted at Ikea because of production delay and it is complicated to have a new door or fence because of the lack of wood.

  39. I have not been affected but heard some stories but not sure if they are true or just hearsay. Only thing people are moaning about is the PS5 situation but my kids already have an Xbox and I am not spending money on another silly gaming console.

  40. I haven’t noticed anything, really. Supermarket was very busy today (a queue to get in the car park that I’ve never seen more than 2/3 full before), but all the shelves were full. Honestly, I’d expect shortages this close to Xmas day on a regular year considering all the extra footfall, and this year in particular I expected shortages, but no. Nothing.

    I haven’t bought any really big ticket items, but I’ve done the vast majority of my gift purchasing online and they’ve all arrived within a day (2 days if I order late at night).

  41. I’m in the middle of the supply chain crisis, stuck on a delayed container ship heading from East Asia to the Mediterranean.
    I was supposed to be home middle of December to finally spend Christmas with my family again, but we got so much delay in the Asian ports that I will be lucky to make it home in time for new year.

  42. So, since I pay attention to food prices, I can tell you that my food costs more.

    Also it has been since beginning of 2020 that I was planning to build a new computer … Since then I am delaying it and I don’t know when I’ll be able to build it without inflated costs because I’m afraid that it will be the norm.

  43. My father wants to buy a car but can’t because of the chip shortage, it would arrive 9 months later.

    We bought some furniture for the house and it will arrive in March.

  44. We are the country with the worldst most expensive cars, we even beat Argentina. Electronics are also ridiculously expensive. So I didn’t feel any difference during the pandemic.

  45. In Russia car’s dealers are becoming more and more greedy. Sellers add up to 10% to price if someone wants to buy new car. There are lack of cars on market so there is no choice apart of agree with it.
    Cars are sold with dealers pre-installed devices such as alarm systems, mats or additional body’s protection with profit up to 1000%.

  46. I had a hard time getting all the components for and IKEA PAX cabinet. Finally had most delivered, pick up 2 pieces at the IKEA store near me and had my in laws in Milan pick up the final piece I couldn’t get delivered or in my store.

  47. I’ve been affected by the silicon shortage. I work in IT and the hardware we ordered in may arrived earlier this month.
    The one ordered in July has still no delivery date. Meanwhile we switched vendors to shorten the delivery time of certain things to 3 months….

  48. I ordered a record that should’ve been shipped in October but the release date keeps getting postponed because there’s a vinyl shortage

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