It’s not like you gonna switch to bus if they double up the price. You still be whining and driving to the next gas pump to fill up your tank.

  1. Because people don’t like spending more money on something when it used to cost less.

    That seems kinda obvious.

  2. Yeah it’s really silly to care about the cost of daily necessities. No one anywhere in the world does that.

  3. I have to breathe as well, does that mean I can’t complain when an asshole is smoking in the restaurant?

  4. Food is also a necessity. Should I not complain about the rising cost of food just because I’m gonna buy it anyway?

  5. What a bizarre and wildly out of touch question.

    Gas prices effect the price of literally everything. How do you think most goods are transported? If you answered my rhetorical question in your mind with “trucking”, then you’re correct! When gas prices are high, and trucking companies have to pay more to fill up and deliver the goods they’re transporting, what do you think that does to the price of those goods?

    Beyond that, I’m baffled as to how you can be confused at this. If I have to pay more to fill up my car, what do you think that does to my bank account or credit card balance? Decreases and increases it, right? Yep!

    Do you just not understand how money works?

  6. >Why people care about gas prices if gas is necessity?

    remove the word “why” and replace “if” with “because” and you have your answer

  7. Why do people care about healthcare prices if healthcare is a necessity? You will still be whining and driving to the hospital to get your broken arm fixed.

  8. “Why do you care about food prices increasing? You need food, you’re not just going to stop eating because they double the price. You’ll still be whining and driving to the next grocery store to buy more food for you and your family.”

  9. I get what you’re saying, why let it bother you if there’s nothing you can do about it? And I agree. People get super angry about gas prices for some reason as if they’re going to have to drive less now (they wont).

    But it’s wrong to think you shouldn’t care at all. I get mad when my electricity bill goes up even though I’m not planning on watching less TV. It just means I have a higher bill to pay for gettingthe exact same thing, and that sucks.

  10. Damn, what a brilliant point. Food is also a necessity, why do people complain about food prices?!?!?!/1/1

  11. I care about the price of everything I buy, including gasoline. I’m funny that way.

  12. Just a little critical thinking, and you wouldn’t have needed to ask this question.

  13. If the price of food tripled, would you complain about it? I mean it’s not like you’re going to choose starvation, but you still be whining and spending calories walking to the grocery store to fill up your shopping cart.

  14. “Why would you be upset to hand over your wallet at gunpoint? It’s not like you’re going to let them shoot you to keep your money.”

    OP is either delusional or disingenuous. It’s impossible to take the question in good faith.

  15. I cannot comprehend the logic that prompted this question. Why do you care if food is more expensive? It’s not like you’re just going to switch to photosynthesis.

    If you give this the _tiniest_ bit of thought, you’ll realize that it is in fact _worse_ if a necessity becomes too expensive rather than a luxury becoming too expensive. Now you have to come up with _more money_ to pay for _exactly the same amount of stuff,_ and you can’t just _not_ pay for it.

  16. You answered your own question, because it’s a necessity. If gas is too expensive people can’t get to work, especially if they’re not in an urban area, which means they can’t earn money

  17. I do usually switch to the bus when gas prices are too high. If I only drive for groceries and doctors appointments a tank can last me a month.

  18. OP is either a kid who has never budgeted, or a well off adult who has never had to budget

    If I only have $100, and $70 now goes to gas (vs$50 before), then I now have only $30 left to spend on other items like food.

  19. I get what you’re really asking (I think). Are you asking what’s the use in complaining if we’re going to buy it anyway?

    We complain because it sucks. A lot of us live in places with shitty public transit. Suburban sprawl is real, so walking isn’t always feasible. Not everyone can afford to buy a new electric vehicle. We feel like we have no choice, because in many cases, we don’t. That’s what we’re complaining about.

  20. I need you to really think about that question for a second. We need it. It costs more. We spend our limited money on it. If it costs more, we have less money.

  21. We care *because* it is necessary. Who cares about food prices going up? It’s not like I can not eat

  22. Why do people care about the price of groceries if eating food is a necessity?

    It’s not like you’re going to choose to starve to death if they double up the price. You’ll still be whining and eating a sandwich to fill your stomach.

    This belongs in the hall of fame of bad questions

  23. Why does anyone care about how much anything costs? I mean after all it’s only money…

    What a dumbass question to ask.

  24. Since the 70s people tie it to economic health but have no idea what determines the price. It’s also based on the state. Even with inflation, $3.30 isn’t bad considering the nationwide average in 2007 was around there.

  25. Quick Look at OP’s post history….

    unexpected, but I guess I kind of get it?

  26. When gas costs more, you use less. You don’t drive as much or do recreational things like boating

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