I just don’t. I’m not charming, witty, charismatic, passionate, talkative…nothing. I have my guard up around people and don’t show emotion to avoid getting hurt. But that’s probably why I have no friends. Even if I did let my guard down though…I’m still none of those things I mentioned above. I just have no personality, I feel completely empty inside. I don’t talk to people because I have nothing to talk about. I can’t make jokes because my brain just doesn’t have that humor connection. I can appreciate other people’s humor but I can’t be funny or witty or charming myself. I feel like I’m cursed.

1 comment
  1. I feel the same most of the time. Your in your head. Stop overthinking, stop over analyzing why you think you are all of the above, and just be yourself. Be the best version of yourself physically, mentally and financially, everything else will fall in place. Guaranteed

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