My bf and I both about to be juniors in highschool met freshman year and quickly became best friends. The summer after that first year in highschool we started dating and pretty much obsessed over each other 💀, it's been a couple months over a year of dating now and we have found a great balance of spending time with each other but not obsessing as much lmao. He is one of the most amazing people I've ever met and we rarely get into any disagreement, but when we do we work it out with each other and not against each other, which I love. I have dated some other people in the past and I know I'm still very young and inexperienced but I also know it's safe to say I'm very in love with him. The thing is we pretty frequently discuss our future and plans to move in together and such, but he is definitely going to a good collage since his Asian parents are both professors (his mom and I get along amazing she's the best) and he has amazing grades and is involved in swim, cello, organ, and so many more. He is wanting to go to a school like MIT and get involved in biomedical engineering (which I think is hella cool) While I on the other hand have uh well not the best grades, I'm not trying to make excuses because I know I can do so much better than I have been, but my family life is not stable. Both my parents work and I have three younger brothers, so I am almost always basically stay at home mom, and so school never felt very important in comparison with my other responsibilities. And so I am probably going to go to a community college or an alternative path for a career. I am not really helped or pressured to keep up with homework or told to keep my grades up so I never built the heathy habits I need to succeed well in school, and I need to take initiative with my own life and change that. It may seem like this is all in vain and of course we will just break up in the end anyway like most highschool couples, but for some reason I feel like we won't wich could just be my naivety talking but my other relationships lasted about 3 months and compared to this, my current one is a real and committed. I feel confident in saying I have an old soul, and a good work ethic, I'm great at reading people and adapting, so I know if I tried I might be able to get my school back on track. I just feel like I wouldn't be able to do long distance if he goes to a school out of state, my love type is very physical and I feel neglected and very sad (even though we still call and text) when I don't get to see him for long amounts of time. I love him enough that I would move to wherever he goes and I would just get a job and not do my own school and support him as he does his. But I feel stuck, and don't really know my options on pursuing our relationship in the future. And don't even know if I should be worrying about it so early in it, all I know is that I love this man and I would do anything for him, but I don't know what I could do now to prepare and plan for my future.

I need advice ;-;

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