
My wife and i constantly argue over small things and i feel that she has no real respect for me at all when it comes down to it. We are in a LDR right now. The latest situation today is that we have talked about an hour on vdo and i say i need to go out to get a part and i need to hang up. She says please no. i want to see and i say no a couple of times but she keeps begging so i say ok ill bring you but i cant keep the phone up so you can see. She then pester me about it for the whole 3 min trip and i keep saying no… i cant. The ticket for holding a phone while driving is very high. I cant put you up on the dash cause it will just fall down and i dont have a pocket to put you in so i wont bring you into the store when im getting the things i need. Im very uncomfortable to go in with the phone and i need my hands. i cant go into the store holding the camera in their faces either…

But she wont listen. I come back out and she is furious for being left in the car (i was gone for 1 minute) and starts comparing me with an ex (which she does frequently when she is not happy with something). I tried to just put the phone up and it falls down after two seconds. Which i know it will. it wont stay up and i've said it countless times already. Anyways. She keeps comparing me to one of her ex (she hates comparing but does so all the time. Whichever ex suites the situation) so i say i got better things to do than listen to this. I warned her to please stop earlier or i have to hang up so now im forced to so i hang up.

She responds that she is furious and how can i treat her this way. And that she is hurt! I make no effort! In my eyes i have given her more than enough chances. Do you agree?

Its a thing that she wont accept a no and i've started to hold my ground now.

I've asked her many times to please accept my no. But in general she wont and i've grown tired of a 10 minute conversation for a simple issue. Usually i cant get away from her in this kind of situation but now im ldr so i can actually hang up. And i've had to a few times now.

So the TL:DR i guess is not taking a no and then gets angry when she wont get her will. What am i to do?

I do understand that she is curious about the suroundings but i've clearly stated no about 20 times. She said she asked politely but for me asking politely is asking once and maybe a few more if you really want to. You dont pester someone forever.

Am at a point now that i've given up. If i give in it will be forever be this way. If i stand my ground i get to this point. How do i solve this?

  1. She sounds selfish and insecure and clingy. Is she in therapy? If she continues to disrespect you I’d end things

  2. You solve this by breaking up with this girl. She refuses to listen to you. She can’t take no for an answer, people like that are never satisfied with anything anyone ever does. A life of misery if you continue this relationship.

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