I’ve always loved the idea of ​​falling in love, I’ve fallen in love so many times with such different intensities and in such different ways that if I were to put it on a list it would take a whole day.

The interesting thing is that it never works, it never did and I believe it never will.

What is more interesting It’s just that sometimes I think it’s the best. I have a lot of anxiety and insecurity, which makes me very paranoid and constantly afraid of everything. Fear of being left, fear of being changed, fear of not being good enough romantically or sexually, fear of what I do, fear of what I say, fear of what the other does and what the other says

I have so many insecurities and fears that the only thing I’ve realized in myself is that I’m a giant, shiny red flag that I don’t deserve love, because if someone ever loves me I’m not going to be a good thing in her life.

1 comment
  1. Have you tried falling in love with someone? Forget romance for a minute. Think of the person in front of you, whoever you can think of. Do you think that you can truly love them? Not just romantic love, that thing wanes with time. But true, real love. The one where you’d give your life for them if something were to happen to them.

    I’m not saying, do that now. I’m saying, do you think that you realistically could get to that point? Because loving romance, but not the person, is a sure way to make a relationship fail.

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