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  1. I came across a strange headline in The Telegraph: “Gen Z has lost the ability to manage basic adulthood.”
    Hits a bit too close to home. Doesn’t that sort of tone belong in a tabloid like Daily Express, Daily Mail, or The Sun, and not a non-tabloid paper?

    Link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2024/05/09/generation-z-has-lost-the-ability-to-behave-like-adults/

    Wait, apparently, Express and Mail are considered middle market papers according to wikipedia.

  2. Why people here on Reddit tend to use Discord and other 3rd party apps? You’re here so use private messages and chat. Just like me not going to use anything else.

    Go Reddit go.

  3. I met the German peanut butter guy again this morning,at the bus station.

    He is REALLY into his frühstück!

    Can you cope without breakfast? Or do you need to eat in the early morning to function?

  4. I am around a third into War and Peace and Vampires and… man, I don’t know. So, the story is told from the point of view of a Russian officer during the Napoleonic wars. They’re using these “mercenaries” who we figured out already in the first chapter are vampires. But, 150 pages into the story, the author is still dropping hints 😐:

    “We travel at night,” Varfolomeev said. I didn’t get how, but didn’t question further.

    “We found a basement,” Foma said. “It will be perfect as a lair.” I forgave him his off choice of words, he wasn’t a native speaker after all.

    I was always sceptical of their killing methods, though I hadn’t seen them. But when he turned around, my stomach lurched. There was blood on his mouth! But probably it was just an injury.

    How we climbed that steep wall, I will never understand. He must have had superhuman strength.

    Their language didn’t sound Slavic at all. At best, it had hints of French and Italian. Maybe Rumanian?

    Look, we get it, they’re vampires. Come on. The thing is, I feel bad for nitpicking this because a Russian dude in 1812 wouldn’t go “oh, they’re vampires” immediately. But if it’s this obvious to the reader and you are still dropping “subtle” hints as the author, it is getting a little tedious somehow. I really need to do better at suspending disbelief because the story itself isn’t bad at all. Just not entirely convinced by the author’s foreshadowing methods.


    There was a post yesterday on r/Turkey by a guy who had a brain surgery, and he was writing it’s his 6th near-death experience due to health. He also posted a pic. All comments were telling him how handsome their bro looks, how he looks so badass with the scar and Mohawk, how he will not only sweep all the girls but turn them gay as well, how the worst of everything is over and now there’s no death on earth for him, and of course lots of swift recovery wishes. I don’t know man, Turkish people are so great sometimes 😭 It was so heart warming to read. Sometimes what you need in a bad situation is a little humor and levity.

  5. As of last night there’s one traffic light in my neighborhood that still isn’t functioning from last week’s storms, but I don’t know about the homes immediately surrounding it.

    I listened to a podcast yesterday that brought up an interesting question: What’s your favorite green character? My answer would have to be Yoshi for being so cute, powerful and dependable. And who else can do so much with their tongue? 🥵

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