One of my guy friends admitted to having a crush on me a bit ago but I thought he would have over come it when he was away. Yesterday we hung out then as tradition we went to Barnes and Noble afterwards where he asked if they took Apple Pay which caused me to ask why to which he answered he wanted to pay for my books.
He might have gotten over the crush durning the months he was away and I hope I’m just reading too far into this.
If he still has a crush on me how do I put a stop to it?

  1. You don’t stop. He stops the crush. You might be reading into it too much. If he tries paying again another time, just insist that you pay for your own stuff or that you’re uncomfortable with someone else paying. If after awhile you still think he’s got a crush on you and you absolutely must know for whatever reason, just ask him if he still does. Simple as that

  2. Guys can’t be friends with women we’re crushing on. We’re not wired for it. It doesn’t work.

    Your options are to date him, redirect his interest (maybe introduce him to a single friend who might be into him), or leave.

  3. You need to understand most straight guy friends secretly have a crush on the girl they’re friends with, but not got the balls to say it.

  4. you can’t stop it accept how he feels and either distance him or help him find another girl to crush on

  5. A male friend is just a guy who is paciently waiting for a woman friend to lower her guard.. that small crack in the armor.. that lapse in judgement.. guys can’t have female Friends.. all this downvotes.. liars in denial.

  6. It’s not yours to put a stop to.

    And if you’re always going to be suspicious of his motives, then you can’t be friends.

  7. There is only one way. Become super fat and smelly. Like don’t bath for 3 weeks while sitting in a hot room everyday. And you can’t eat healthy foods to get fat. You have to eat fried foods so your skin looks bad.

    Otherwise your screwed. He will likely still carry some type of attraction, even if he finds a love of his own

  8. Basically find a political, religious, or sexual thing he absolutely hates and support it openly in front of him.

  9. He’s done the right thing and was honest with you. Be an adult and extend him the same courtesy.

    If you’re not willing to provide what he is looking for then stop wasting his time and taking advantage of his generosity.

  10. You don’t stop it.

    You can reject him. You can set up and enforce healthy boundaries. You can distance yourself from him. You can cut him out of your life. You can set him up with another woman or even another man.

    But you can’t stop it.

  11. Ok so if he didn’t mention anything and if you didn’t get the feeling that he still he’s still crushing on you than just leave it alone. And just because this poor guy offers to pay for your books that doesn’t necessarily mean that he wants you lol it just means that he’s your friend and he’s just trying to do something nice for you so don’t overthink it.
    (But if it does ever come up and you still feel the same way that you do now than just be honest with him).

  12. Be direct, and yep it can hurt him a little but it is for the better if you want to stay his friend.

    Just dew it

  13. The more you hang out with him, the deeper in love he will fall with you. The only way to stop it is to stop hanging out with him.

  14. you can’t stop it unless you stop being his friend. men have unique relationships with women they cannot and do not have with other men, and it’s not friendship, ever.

    A man has male friends for camaraderie. A woman he admires, gets along with, and cares for is not that.

    A woman admires, gets along with, and cares for all her friends, male or female.

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