4 years ago my girlfriend(F37) filed a ticket with her building to have the washing machine fixed .One of the apartment repairman came to fix her washing machine. I won’t there. A few days later we see him and he speaks to her and not me. I somewhat gave him a dirty look after this .

Fast forward 2 years after this and we see him and he speaks to both of us. We barely see this guy but ran into him when he was coming out and we were coming in.

Fast forward to this year and I saw him one day when I was by myself sitting down on the phone outside and I spoke and he act like he ain’t want to speak and gave a quick nod like he was annoyed.

Me and my girlfriend saw him again another day and he ain’t speak or look our day. We was going in another direction that day.

Today comes and me and her are outside smoking and he comes out the building. My girlfriend staring at himand he’s just looking around not necessarily our way but a car was partially blocking my view. He then crosses the street while looking our way but not looking directly at us but more so looking around. He had stopped and was looking around for about a minute so before going about his business.

I (M38)asked my girlfriend why she was staring. She said she stared at him because I told her about the day when I saw him by myself he act like he ain’t wanna speak. She claim she was seeing if he was going to speak to us or not. She said she saw him by herself a few weeks ago and he didn’t speak or look her way. I asked if he ever came on to her and she said no.

TL;DR girlfriend claim she looked at apartment repairman to see if he would speak because of story I told her about him acting like he ain’t want to speak to me. We been together 5 years.

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