Seriously, what are some things we should know in our 20s?

  1. Get a credit card and be responsible with it and build your credit as high as you can

  2. Finances above anything else. How to make sure your credit stays good, guaranteeing yourself the ability to get a home mortgage some day, pay far less in interest fees on credit purchases and so much more. It should be a mandatory yearlong class in high school but it’s barely mentioned. 🙄

  3. if youre going to party, learn to restrict going completely wild to like one weekend, maybe even just one night per month. getting fucked up every single weekend from thursday or friday through sunday will catch up with you VERY quickly and drain your bank account in real-time. nothing wrong with kicking back with your friends on the weekend but your body and mind were not made to go on a bender 4 times a month

  4. If you have access to a 401k start putting money in it, and if they do a match do no less than the match. That’s free money.

  5. Think about your life goals and if you have to take big decisions, keep them in mind.

  6. 1. Have an idea of a defined career path that you want to pursue. Your 20’s are uniquely important and it’s good to take advantage of it. The older you get it becomes harder to accomplish tasks or goals of yesteryears due to aging and other incoming priorities

    2. An ability to walk away. Walk away from friendships that no longer serve you, relationships where values are not in alignment, jobs that don’t allow growth etc… Codependency is an easy route but learning to leave the past in the past, and embracing the present with the idea that the future is better will take you so much farther

    3. Never underestimating that people will do anything (lie, cheat, steal etc….) in order to get in your good graces and benefit from you. Have strong healthy boundaries.

    4. Watering your own garden. It’s easy to get caught up in competing with others, or comparing yourself to standards that don’t apply to you. But the truth is when you park behind the other person’s velvet rope. You will realize 99.9% of the time you would not want their choice in mate, job no matter how prestigious, or anything they really have. Because it was never meant for you because there is only one you.

    5. Lastly, being adaptable and having realistic standards for yourself. It’s easy to get idealistic and think you can accomplish everything in a day but you can’t. I remember I had everything planned out for the day didn’t end up studying or getting up at 5 AM for the gym. But I did get to work on time, worked out afterwards, and did laundry/cleaned at night. So it was still a success. Be flexible about the methods you get to your destination

  7. Finances are very important, but don’t get so caught up in the corporate rat race that you forget to live.

  8. General have-your-shit-togetherness:

    Have a real budget. Save more than you spend. If you’re able, start investing.

    Know how to cook. Eat relatively healthy.

    Have some sort of physical activity you like doing that keeps you somewhat in shape.

    Know how to drink, or rather, how to *not* drink. Boggles my mind how many people are basically alcoholics and brush it off with “lol, twenties!” Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some great times in my 20s. I didn’t embarrass myself at office parties, blow my disposable income on one weekend of drinking, or hurt myself and/ or others because of my drinking.

    Have a plan for your career. At least be trying to figure it out. That plan doesn’t have to be making lots of money – it just has to be “find something I like doing that can cover the bills.” Don’t languish on a path you don’t like with no effort to escape.

  9. Do whatever you want(in moderation) but stay away from hard drugs. Do less every year.
    Finances been covered already except look at house on purchase as a incremental journey. Buy the house u can afford easily, you can sell it when it increases in value and buy a better one or keep it as and investment.

    Think asset building.

    Working for someone else sucks ass, whatever your career path, think about how you can turn it into a business you own down road.

    When working for others, think and act like your career is your business, don’t think and act like a employee.

    Don’t shoot a baby into crazy

  10. Figure out your money. Don’t fall in love just yet. Establish a skill set (or 3). By the time you hit 30 you’ll be way ahead of the game.

  11. You won’t be able to do *everything* so remember to enjoy what you’re doing now.

  12. Keep yourself in _reasonable_ shape. Many conditions that can greatly impact your quality of life and be prevented by staying healthy.

  13. Learn how to change attire learn your limits when it comes to both liquor and weed

  14. Take care of your money. If it’s on a payment plan – you don’t fucking need it.

    Buy the best you can afford and ***actually*** take care of it. Quality is timeless and last.

    Travel. Even if it’s to see the largest ball of string outside of Branson, Mo. Travel.

  15. Save whatever you can. Something low risk it will add up over time and it’s harder to spend

  16. Don’t drink and drive and never get in with a driver who is intoxicated. I’ve responded to WAY too many kids who killed someone, a family, or themselves this way. Even if they don’t die, the fallout will ruin your life in many ways.

    When a girl says, “no” don’t become a rapist. If she is highly intoxicated even if you are as well, walk the fuck away.

    When something bad seems to be going down, leave. Too many stay just to see how it plays out and end up involved and in serious trouble.

    Find a group of friends that are solid people with bright futures. Not everyone is bad who has problems, but friends often get sucked into their problems to their detriment.

    Find something you’re passionate about whether that’s a hobby or a career. It will enrich your life.

    Find your moral compass and clearly define it for yourself. Use that compass to guide your life. You will never hate yourself if you do so.

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