I am curious, because I’m looking into getting one soon, and I wanted some first hand accounts.

  1. Zero downside for me. I had one in my 30’s and I’m now 44. Recovery was a dream. I was healed in 4wks , still took it easy the full 8wks but felt fine. I had a slight weight gain about 5lbs but besides that nothing. My moods are better, no more PMS type symptoms at all after about 3 months. I’m on a bit of Estrogen as of last year but that probably would’ve happened with or without the Hysterectomy at my age. It was the best decision I ever made. No regrets. It was like exorcisizing a demon!

  2. Glorious. It was the absolute best thing I’ve ever done in my life.

    I’ve had horrid periods since I was 15. After my daughter was born it was even worse. Then I hit 40 and perimenopause hit me like a semi and every 20-180 days it was the elevator scene from The Shining. Sometimes I could get from the upstairs bathroom to the downstairs bathroom without overflowing multiple sanitary products. I finally had an ablation, which helped for a year, but then it all came right back. It was affecting me mentally and physically, I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t even leave the house because it was so bad.

    Mine was done laparoscopically, 3 tiny incisions that healed with zero scarring. I can’t find them and it’s been 2 years. I come out of anesthesia horribly, so that was yucky. One night in the hospital, a week resting with just Tylenol/Motrin. I slept a lot and then I woke up one day felt great. I could have gone back to work at 10 days but my husband forced me to take the full 3 weeks.

    I would highly recommend it to anyone.

  3. The only downside was having my ability to have more children taken.

    I had a hysterectomy at age 28 due to cancer and I 100% made the right decision but in my mid-thirties I met my husband and we’ve had those what if talks. There were times that we wished we could have had a child together but now I’m in my mid-40s and my kids are in high school and beyond and my husband and I are living our best lives. All in all, I made the right choice for my life and it has worked out great for me.

  4. NSFW. Surgery was easy. Healed fast. Had a great 6-week paid vacation from work!

    For a few months afterward I didn’t get lubricated well during sex and had to use lube which I didn’t need before. After another couple of months that was largely back to normal too though I still sometimes need lube.

    Also, I’m a girl who liked to get pounded hard in the cervix (a bit of a masochist). They removed my cervix so I don’t get that sensation anymore. A bit of a bummer but certainly not a dealbreaker.

  5. I can wear white bottoms if I want to now.

    Ironically, my migraines shifted in cause. They were caused by the ebb and flow of my cycle back then. Now, it’s because I removed one avenue of my body detoxing i.e. my cycle.

    You may find additional info on r/Menopause since hysterectomies sometimes speed up the process.

  6. Best thing ever. No more painful periods so I have a much better quality of life simply from that. Saving money from not having to buy period products is an added bonus.

  7. Fantastic.

    I had endometriosis. (Probably still do, but…)

    Had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy in 2015. The surgery itself was a major fucking surgery, and it took me the full 8 weeks to recover.

    But. The results!

    For the first six months, I could have no estrogen or anything resembling it (so no remifemin) because of the endometriosis. I raw-dogged menopause at 35! Then I got on estradiol and it was fine.

    Not having a uterus is amazing. *No periods. No pregnancy worries.* And now that I’m on a hormone blocker (Exemestane for cancer, ugh), I’m on a much more even keel than I would be if I still had a uterus trying to do uterus things despite the Exemestane.

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