We've been dating for little over a year now (we already moved in together a few months ago) but I've found myself slowly falling out of love these past few weeks. I've often expressed my issues with the relationship and I'm always promised change but to no avail. She's not a bad person though, it's just a situation where we're not compatible. She is very shy and suffers from anxiety which affects our social life and our intimacy which leaves me frustrated but I know its selfish because I can't expect that to change. I care about her a lot but I can't see myself happy in the long term so I'd rather not lead her on and waste her time anymore.

My issue is that we had scheduled a trip back in june that's coming up in a few days and I don't know what to do. If I break up right before, it feels like it'll hurt her more but if I wait, it'll feel disingenuine to put up fake smiles when I'm planning on ending things when we come back. It's worthy to note that I covered all the expenses but she seemed so excited for it so I don't know which is worst…

After reading your comments, it seems breaking up before would be the least cruel move. Thank you all and I appreciate your inputs. Sad times ahead :,(

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