couples of reddit, how do you deal with a fight between the two of you? And what’s the worst that has happened cause of it?

  1. Not my current relationship, but in my past TOXIC relationship fights would always escalate and then lead to threats of leaving or breaking up and then it a cycle of a small thing turning into a huge hurtful fight to making up and then something happening again. It was emotionally exhausting and ruined both our mental healths. After that relationship thankfully ended, I learned how to better approach conflict in my current relationship and surprisingly (or maybe not) we have never got into a serious fight. I would suggest to be communicative and honest with your partner while maintaining respect. A lot of what led to the escalation was threats, blame, name-calling, and defensiveness. I think trying to approach a conflict with more of an open mind and willingness to hear the other person and maybe reach a compromise is important, but both people have to be this way for the conflict to be resolved in a healthy, collaborative way

  2. I’ve never really been in a fight with a partner, just disagreements where we talk things out.

  3. The worst fighting we ever did was over my husband’s brothers’ divorce.

    Divorce is so fucking messy anyways but he was so cruel the way he left his wife. Lied to all of us and manipulated us.

    After the fighting we both promised to never let someone else’s marriage come between ours. They were oozing toxic energy and we just got caught in the crossfire.

  4. Fighting is such an aggressive word.. my partner and I definitely have conflict sometimes. Usually one of us can tell something’s up and we carve out some time to sit and talk through it until we either feel like the issue is resolved or we’re talking in circles – at that point we usually agree to hold off and come back to the convo the next day.

  5. we broke up or there was pushing shoving etc. that was in the past toxic relaitonship tho. mt new relationship we just take a break feom hanging for a day or too or we just sit in silence and eventually make up by kissing each other and cuddlying idk. haha

  6. I wouldn’t say fight but I can’t deal when someone raises their voice at me. I have ptsd from always hearing my parents fight and yelling and threatening us so one time when my partner accidentally yelled at me I just froze and had 20 years of flashback. Took me a few days to get over it. He never yelled at me again after that.

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