I met my best friend November last year, and we've been so close since. I actually started liking him early on but he had a girlfriend, clearly I didn't do anything. This went on until they broke up, we got even closer. This person, he actually feels like home. The comfort I feel with him = the comfort I feel with family. I've never felt this for a man before (sounds cliche, but it's the truth). It's not about the butterflies, but the comfort and understanding we share. He knows I like him, but for certain reasons at the moment he can't/doesn't like me back. Things weren't always platonic though we've moved on from that. Beyond my romantic feelings, we're genuinely best friends who support each other and more. Now, he's getting a girlfriend and it was hard but I'm accepting it now. I'm actually glad to just be settling back in my zone. Our friendship continues. I know this should be the dead end for me, but I can't help but still feel like he's the one. Like, maybe it's not our time yet? Maybe certain things need to happen first before we get together? All in proper timing? I'm just trying to let it go. I don't know if this is bad or not, I don't want to dwell so much on this because he's getting a girlfriend soon, but I just can't shake off the feeling despite. I'm accepting that this situation is happening right now but I'm no longer freaking out that I'm "losing" him because I know what's meant for me is for me and it will come around no matter what.

TLDR; i still feel like this person is meant for me despite circumstances not aligning right now, feel like it'll happen for us later at some point

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